Strange Facts about Mosquitoes – Part 1

Monday, May 7th, 2012 1:18:03 by

If there’s one downside to living in a city built on a swamp it’s the mosquitoes. They hover just outside the front door, ready to take a bite from your face or, worse, follow you indoors where they can munch on you in your sleep. Recently, the scientists have found that the West Nile Virus has been identified in samples of D.C. mosquitoes, which adds a layer of worry on top of the itching.

Following are some strange facts about mosquitoes:

1) There are around 3,500 species of mosquitoes, but only a couple hundred feast on human blood.

2) If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito, it was a female. Male mosquitoes make do just fine with plants, but females need a blood meal before they can lay eggs.

3) The female’s saliva contains an anti-coagulant that lets her more easily suck up her meal. The saliva induces an allergic response from her victim’s immune system; that’s why your skin gets an itchy bump.

4) Females lay their eggs in shallow water or even damp soil that’s prone to flooding. Get rid of any standing water near your home to reduce the mosquito horde.

5) The best time to avoid mosquitoes is in the afternoon, when temperatures are hottest and the insects rest in cooler spots.

6) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists only four chemicals as being effective for repelling mosquitoes: DEET, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (or its synthetic version, called PMD) and IR3535.

7) Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide, lactic acid and octenol found in our breath and sweat, and they also sense the heat and humidity that surrounds our bodies. They may also have a preference for beer drinkers.

8) Some scientists think that eliminating mosquitoes wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Others aren’t so sure, though, and worry about the effects on the ecosystem of the loss of an insect that is eaten by spiders, salamanders, frogs, fish and other insects.

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