Why Lord Nazir Ahmad should be Removed Immediately

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 4:10:30 by

Lord Nazir Ahmad, sitting at one of the highest positions of British politics has continuously ridiculed, not only his own image, but also that of Pakistanis and the UK as well and it is surprising to see how he has not either resigned or removed as of yet.


Offering a £10 million bounty on the head of President of the United States Barack Obama was probably the most illogical and degrading thing he could have done, being in the position that he is. What makes him different from the Taliban and other rebel groups, who also do the same by offering money for the lives of people?


The latest incident is in which he claims that the attack on one of Pakistan’s brightest youngsters, Malala Yousafzai, was an act to discredit the Taliban, but when seeing how the extremist group was quick to accept responsibility for it, finding logic in his words is definitely not easy.


“I don’t know why it happened and one reason could possibly be there’s an operation in Waziristan [which] may possibly be on the cards or some other sort of action,” Nazir said in the video while talking in a meeting in London, adding, “It could have also been to build and increase public opinion and support in favour of a Waziristan operation and God forbid, she could have been caught as a tool in that conspiracy.”


He also claims that it was just a normal incident of killing, which happens everywhere around the world and should not have created so much hype. Well Lord Nazir Ahmad, it was obviously an attempt to kill, which certainly does happen around the world, but Malala just was not any ordinary girl. She is a role model to many women around Pakistan, some of whom are still oppressed by extremists around the country and making statements like these only boosts the motivation of such mindsets.


The hype was not all about Malala, but instead about a way of thinking. Liberation from oppression, breaking out of the cage and actually becoming a productive member of society. Our government and armed forces are not so stupid to have put the life of a young girl at stake to rake public favour on an operation, they can do it whenever deemed necessary. She continued to live in that place due to the government ordered operation there, which had made the lives of hundreds of thousands of people better in ways never thought possible.


Lord Nazir continues to fool people with his illogical and incoherent statements, which should be put to a stop. Not only for himself, but also the Pakistan community, which unfortunately have him as a representative in the British House of Lords.



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Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=34653

Posted by on Nov 3 2012. Filed under Editorial, Europe, Latest News, Opinion, Pakistan. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Comments for “Why Lord Nazir Ahmad should be Removed Immediately”

  1. Rehan

    I think both are acting as extremists since both are so so sure of what actually is going on. Actually anything is possible. So many players have their stakes that anyone can and is doing whatever is needed to convince the masses for their own benefit.

  2. Abbad

    Hello, Agreed with the most of the article except with some sort of disagreement at the begging of the article. There is a critical point of attention which i would like to highlight that whoever disrespect the Allah azzawajjal or Prophets of Allah azzawajjal should be hanged to death or killed from the aspect of ISLAM. This responsibility layes on the shoulder of the islamic government of the islamic state. Where as anyone can do this act outside islamic state. Well Mr lord nazir have placed the bounty on the head of barrack obama was not justifiable, it should be on the head of the person who is the real culprit of the henious act. If you agree with the point i have raised than there is a consensus on the topic.
    Secondly, a muslim cannot be a practical muslim untill he is a fundamental believer and performer of the islamic teachings. However Talibans fundamentalism is unislamic and not justifiable. Womens education have underpinned by islam. The way of there education will be questionable, it can be improve through discussion rather than imposition.

  3. Khan Bhai

    Anyone who supports Taliban should be removed from a position of authority. Period. Who calls themselves “Muslims” and then kill “Muslims” to avenge the deaths of “Muslims”. I don’t understand how anyone in their right mind, regardless of conspiracy theory or not, support Taliban and their band of thugs. These people pretend to be Muslims in the morning at Fajr and after Isha they are at it with “Bacha Bazi”.

  4. navid lahori

    Keep up the good work Lord Nazir,never mind the knucle heads.

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