Teaching Respect for All – A global effort to combat racism and intolerance
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 8:55:00 by Fayyaz Yaseen
Teaching Respect for All – A global effort to combat racism and intolerance
Today, on January 18, a new international effort to combat racism and intolerance will be launched in Paris at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This effort, entitled
“Teaching Respect for All” (TRA) is designed to develop a middle school curriculum to be used across the globe to promote respect for all people.
Initially, the initiative will review existing curricula, legislation, and policies that include a component on education for respect and tolerance, and identify best practices in this field.
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer will deliver opening remarks at the ceremony along with UNESCO Director General, Irina Bokova, and the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Secretariat of
Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality, Mário Lisboa Theodoro. Following the ceremony, a videoconference between schools in the United States and Brazil will be facilitated by the Global Nomads Group. This project will eventually result in new classroom
materials to help teach about respect, human rights, and the value we all bring to our communities.
The Department will use the dignity4all hash-tag to promote and amplify the key events and themes associated with TRA. UNESCO anticipates supporting tweets from Goodwill Ambassadors, Forest Whitaker, Herbie Hancock, and Monique
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