Davion the Dragon Knight, also known as Knight Davion, is a melee strength hero who can attain the ability to deal ranged attacks. He is a beast of a hero that can take a lot of damage and also carry with the right item set. His skills synergise quite well with his role as both […]
Feb 28 2013 | Posted in
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Tetris A game that sweeter than our most favourite candy, more fun than our most favourite ride in the park and at times more frustrating than having to go to bed as early as 9 pm, yes Tetris is indeed one of the most cherish-able game from our past. The tile-matching puzzle video game has […]

The outburst by the National Rifle Association (NRA) vice president Wayne LaPierre has attracted a lot of criticism from the media, video game industry, film industry, music industry and even the general American public. Instead of blaming the deadly weapon that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in the tragic incident of […]
Feb 22 2013 | Posted in
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The deadly shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, has triggered a heated debate about the effect of violent video games and their possible contribution to the tragedy that resulted in the death of 20 children and six adults. Ever since it has been discovered that the shooter was a huge fan […]
Feb 22 2013 | Posted in
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Diablo III can be aptly regarded as a pot of gold for Blizzard Entertainment, a company that has established itself as the leading brand when it comes to role-playing games (RPG) for the PC. After doing wonders with the World of WarCraft franchise, the company returned to a franchise that had helped it in gaining […]

It is difficult to say whether reports regarding the next-generation console under the PlayStation brand coming out this year is news or merely rumours, but one thing is certain, Sony will not wait too long to react to the strong demand for a new console. Beginning to feel threatened by the growing popularity of smartphones […]

Wii U owners waiting for Capcom games such as the most recent instalment in the Resident Evil franchise or Lost Planet 3 to arrive on their console can stop now as the company has confirmed that late ports are not even under consideration. With a large portfolio of prolific franchise to its name, finding fans […]

Sequels may have become a norm in gaming industry over the last few years and that too for understandable reasons, but the Quantic Dream boss is one of the few industry players that are not too excited about yearly instalments becoming part of the gaming culture. During a recent interview with the PlayStation Magazine, the […]

Nintendo’s first-ever HD console Wii U has been under a lot of criticism because of its specifications and performance capabilities, which were and are still said to be below the likes of Sony’s current-generation console PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s current-generation console Xbox 360. Now that the system is out in the market and reached the […]

Wii U owners waiting for Capcom games such as the most recent installment in the Resident Evil franchise or Lost Planet 3 to arrive on their console can stop now as the company has confirmed that late ports are not even under consideration. With a large portfolio of prolific franchise to its name, finding fans […]

There are a lot of heroes that strike fear in the heart of their enemies in Defence of the Ancients, more commonly referred to as DotA, but there is hardly any hero as fearsome as the Nerubian Assassin, an agility melee hero found in the Scourge’s cavern. Also known as Anub’arak, the Nerubian Assassin starts […]

The next-generation Sony and Microsoft consoles are likely to arrive in the market at a price of $350, according to the Robert W. Baird industry watcher Colin Sebastian. The industry analyst issued a note to the investors, predicting that the highly-anticipated PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 could debut at a lower price than what the […]