More movies to look forward to in 2012
Thursday, March 29th, 2012 6:20:49 by Musa Afridi
Newspakistan takes a look at a few more movies everyone should be getting excited about as 2012 begins to kick itself into gear.
There are a number of major blockbusters set to wow audiences throughout the year, yet at the same time there are a fair number of movies that many will not know about but ought to. Newspakistan is here to make sure that our readers know about every film
that they should be gearing themselves up for.
If anyone is not excited about The Avengers then they need to see a professional. While some may already be waving the ‘it’s going to be horrible’ banner, there is a fair deal of hype surrounding the coming together of some of Marvel’s greatest
superheroes on the same screen.
Just imagine the Hulk and Iron Man on the same screen together. Also if there are any more scenes like the dialogue between Stark and Captain America, where Iron Man owns the latter, well that alone warrants a trip to the cinema.
Then of course there is Prometheus, which seems like a sci-fi thriller with some awe-inspiring special effects. It follows a group of scientist who follow an ancient ‘invitation’ to another world before the crap hits the fan and they are left with
the task of saving mankind.
It seemed interesting enough in the trailer, yet whether or not it will live up to the hype is a whole other story. After all, sci-fi has become a bit of a social taboo after the horrid Cowboys vs. Aliens.
No list of summer movies for 2012 would be complete without the mention of
The Dark Knight Rises, which is set to be the conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.
The movie sees both Catwoman and Bane enter the fray and picks up right after the aftermath of the previous movie.
The levels of hype surrounding the movie are insane with every little detail being debated by the fans of the series at the moment, though the most burning question has to be whether or not the bat suit will have nipples this time around.
We doubt it, though there are many that will be offering silent prayer for it to actually happen.
Tags: hollywood, Movies, OLED TV, prometheus, The Dark KNight RisesShort URL: