Strategic approaches for operations management
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 9:43:39 by Ahmed Tariq
Strategic approaches for operations management
Three modes of the strategic approach are discussed here in this article. These three contrasting modes include:
The entrepreneurial mode
The adaptive mode
The planning modes
In first strategic mode the planning actions are taken by the strong leaders on the behalf of the function of the operations. In the next mode called adaptive mode series of small and disjointed steps are formulated by the
manager’s plans. The planning essentials are used with the combination of the logical analysis in the planning models. Strategic planning has many approaches. The key approach is to make the operations strategies and management consistent with the overall
firm’s strategies. Strategic planning is usually used by the overall corporate approach to define various operations, with the main focus of addressing issues and opportunities associated with the operations under consideration. A general approach to strategic
planning was given by Adam and Ebert which is termed as a forced choice model.
Objectives of the operations management
Operations management was defined by Joseph G .Monks, 2007 as
“The process whereby resources, flowing
within a defined system, are combined and transformed by a controlled manner to add value
in accordance with policies communicated by management”
The main objectives of the operations management are categorized into two parts
Customer service
Resource utilization
Operations management is conducted to satisfy the customer’s needs. The customer service is considered as a key objective of the operations management. The operations management controls the cost and timing to satisfy the customer’s
requirements. The provision of the right thing at the right timing is the basic reflection of the customer services through operations management.
The effective use of the available resources for the satisfaction of the customer’s needs is another objective of the operation management. The effective management of operations is required for the efficient use and allocation
of the resources so that the customer service can be provided more efficiently. Operation management system can be failed if it is unable to deliver adequate customer services and efficient use of resources.
The following table summarizes the operations management’s twin objective. The balance established between these two objectives is highly influenced by the strengths and weaknesses of the firms, market considerations and market
competition etc. operations managers are responsible for contribution of these two objectives in the development of an organization.
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