Agha Waqr accepts challenge to run Physics teacher’s car on water
Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 12:26:13 by Faisal Farooq
The self-confessed inventor, who has claimed to have found a way to use water as a fuel, accepted the challenge posed by a Physics professor to run his car on water.
While speaking to the media, Agaha Waqar Ahmed not only accepted Professor Ranomal Malani’s challenge but also promised to run all the cars of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) MPA’s brother on water.
Earlier on Sunday, Malani had held a press conference claiming that the water kit formula was a fraud and the engineer had fooled everyone, including Federal Minister Khursheed Shah.
Giving a cheque of Rs 5 million to the Press Club administration and asked them to keep it for 15 days, he said he had come out to save his party.
He noted, “He (Agha Waqar) hid a Hydrogen cylinder in his demonstration on TV. He fooled everyone. I know it because I teach Physics. This is impossible”.
The professor gave him ten days to prepare the kits, showing pleasure over decision of the engineer of not taking the money.
Agha Waqar claimed that that he will run the car solely on distilled water and will not add fuel or anything else to it — based on the premise that he had discovered a way to easily split the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in water molecules with almost no energy.
The engineer, who graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1990 from a small technical college in Khairpur, had earlier claimed that he can run a 1,000CC vehicle till 40 kilometres with one litre of water by attaching a small water kit in the car that separates hydrogen from water and supplies it to the engine.
Speaking to the media, the engineer asked Malani to tell him his car model and the number of cars, saying that he will prepare the car kits accordingly. He claimed that he would make shift the car permanently on water rather a test demonstration.
He said, “I don’t want to be bribed with the prize money and said that Malani should distribute that money among the poor”.
Tags: Agha Waqar, Federal Religious Minister Syed Khurshid Shah, Khairpur, Physics, ppp, Professor Ranomal Malani, Water-KitShort URL:
Excellent work Mr. Agha Waqar Ahmed. Please don’t lose heart on negative comments and complete your mission. This is my keen desire that all vehicles, Manufacturing industries runs on water technology. If we success our mission then we will only one in the world INSHALLAH. PAKISTAN ZINDA BAD.
Sheikh Nasir
yeh to deto copy he … market me mojood he… me kissi ka radio dekh kar ek radio banadoo to kia woh meri ejad ho gi,,, yeh raha os compnay ka link, search on google “SMART CELL HHO GENERATOR” and open ebay site. 83$ ki mil rahi he… common yaaar
Aslam o Alikum g mainy jis waqt yeh news daikhi geo py toh boht khushi hue Allah Pak apko kamyab frmaye me saudia Arabia me hun ap mujy b koi job daina ok? me special apki kamyabi aur traqi k leay duaa krta rahunga. pakistan me mera tahalak Mansehra say hy aur ap k sath jtna b ho saka me sport krunga ap b mujy yad rakhna apka mukhlis Altaf Hussain Khan
A Bold truth is, that a few theoretical Scientists and Ph.D’s are Jahil Ignorant who attach this invention with the “Law of Conservation of Energy” These Ph.D’s are like that donkey of Noble Quran that is loaded with Books[Quran 62:5}. Agha’s Water-Kit is the greatest invention of mankind history & that invention has no any relation with the law of conservation of energy & Law of thermodynamics. Soon a time will come when these a few Jahil theoretical Ph.Ds who are insulting Agha Waqar in “TV SHOWS”, will be hiding their faces from public. Please note that the biggest “Practical Ph.D scientist” of Pakistan A.Q Khan has supported this invention. A Ph.D has good knowledge but he cannot claim that he knows all and his knowledge is complete. COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE IS ONLY with Allah Jalla Aala Aleem-ul-Khabir.
If Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, & King of Inventors Thomas Edison were alive today, they would had travelled to the house of Agha Waqar in Khairpur Sindh Pakistan to salute Agha Waqar. If “Alfred Nobel” of Sweden could come out of his grave today, he could has suggested “Noble Prize Committee” that please change name of “Nobel Prize” to “Agha Waqar Prize”. Reader should note that king of inventors EDISON who also invented electrical lamp was so poor that he used to sell Newspapers and used to cultivate vegetables in his house, so to sell them in order to pay expenses of his education.
Law of Conservation says that energy neither be produced not destroyed but energy can be transformed from one form to other. In Agha’s Kit invention, neither Energy is being CREATED nor DESTROYED; therefore it in no way violates the Law of conservation of Energy or thermodynamics. It is just transforming chemical energy of water into heat energy and then after burning in engine to Mechanical energy. So simply, nothing is changed except that black Petrol has been replaced by White-Petrol[Water}. Black Petrol carries Hydrogen also and White-Petrol Water carries Hydrogen gas also. So any Ph.D or a so called scientists who says, that this inventions violates Law of conservation of Energy for sure he is telling lies to people. The main objection by some these Theoretical useless Ph.Ds is that car battery is unable to sustain the electrical supply to electrolysis unit of that invented KIT because as per these theorists, Energy produced by electrolysis will be less than the energy being consumed by battery and car will not run. But we all have seen that Car is running. That is itself Proof that what Theorists has assumed is incorrect otherwise car MUST NOT RUN but it runs in practice. This is the most important part of this invention. Now this objection of theoretical Ph.Ds seems correct if old conventional technique of electrolysis is used that need too much electric power to proceed. But Agha’s team has invented a new technique of Electrolysis which is core part of this invention. In Agha’s technique, he has used distilled water to make it dialectic between about 20 metallic plates & he put that unit in series RLC circuit that he managed/calculated to operate at resonance level that periodically produce millions of volts, changes plates with distilled water’s dielectric into a very powerful capacitance. In that scenario, Water becomes unable to hold bond between H and OH ions and huge quantity of H & OH gases start to produce. Following video can show u how it works. Because reaction is in resonance so it is now almost self-sustaining. To convert it from “almost self-sustaining” to “100% sustaining” a very little current from car battery is supplied to that gas-producing unit; that current in milliamps is so small that even less than the current that Car Radio uses. Also note that Car battery is always charged by inbuilt electric DC Generator of car in every car when car is running. Therefore in practice this invention will have no any effect on the capacity and life of car battery. It is like mechanical benefit. For example, can one person lift his car with his one hand above ground? Answer is NO. But one person when places Jack between his hand and car, he can now lift car easily. Resonance in RLC circuit is in lieu of that mechanical Jack that lifts car easily. Another examples is pendulam of big wall Clock. An other Example is Swing of girl that she makes after tieing rope at the branch of tree. At the beginning, She need some one to push her in swing [external force] but later she will continue swing herself. Now periodically a little external push is needed to keep her continue. Another Example is big wheel. U need force to move it. But when it is is rotating, u need very little external force to continue its rotation. For new invention also very little current of battery is needed to keep the reaction continue. besides, there is high probability [to be investigated in future] that periodic pulse of millions volts among metalic plates also can fuse some hydrogen partially that creats so big energy that systen will easily sustain.. Even if we ignore fusion, so high voltage will increase production of H and OH exponentially from 100 to thousands time more than conventional old style electrolysis which will be more than enuf that is needed by Car. Cell size is also a factor in production rate. For expample for railway engine or a factory, either more cells or bigger cells will be designed.
Thu this invention does not violates any law of physics but we should also tell truth that Science is not dogma or scripture like Noble Quran that will not change. Science has been falsified many times by its its own new laws over time. Popular Dalton theory about Atom 70 years ago has been fully rejected and falsified by modern Atomic Physics of Today. Also we should know another truth that thu it is good to achieve an Ph.D but a Ph.D is never a license for new inventions. In fact if we study past history, majority of great inventors like Edison were just simple hardworking technicians. This is matter of fact that In Pakistan B.Sc Engineers and Ph.D’s think that how a graduate of Technology can invent? This kind of their thought is based on total nonsense and jealousy. I suggest reader to read following file in which Each step of Agha’s invention is given in detail. This file is an excellent source of info for who has good understanding in engineering physics. To Sum up: That Water-kit of Agha team is indeed the greatest invention of mankind history. It will change whole globe and soon no one will be buying petrol. [Author of this article is in the field of practical Engineering physics from past 45 years].
Soo our nation belives in fairy tales. I know thtat.. Unlike children in other countries who do tend to grow up. Every time some1 claiming to be aladin with a magic lamp shows up. We believe him.
Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating..
Simply give him an emergency electric generator. The kind almost eveyr household has in Pakistan. Get rid of its patrol tank and ask him to run it on water..
Of course living in our delusions. every time some one shows us the truth we resort to A). Religion and B). Nationalisim and finaly C). Politics. Anything and everything that serves to keep our delusions intact. As i can see from the replies above..
Time and again this ‘so-called’ inventor has been asked to do this on a simple generator. In front of the media. But instead he prefers to find out the ‘models’ of differnt cars..
Why not a gen.?
Simple.U can hide a a petrol tank in a car. But when a tank is disconneted in front of the media in a smal generator.. every body will see this man ias the fraud he is….
But alas once (as it will enavitably happen) this fraud will be exposed.. The people here will be screaming. Jewish.. anti-muslim,hindu amarican-space-alian-martian-nazi conspiracies against this ‘Islamic’ engeneer..
As Dr. pervaiz Hoodbho rightly said. This is the true age of Al-Jahilia…
Dr.Atta-ur Rehman who he claimed himself a PHd Doctor has used a very abusing language for Aga Waqar and said to him nonsense and negated the invention and declare that it is clearly fraud.
I received a great shock when he was passing the remarks against Aga Waqar on TV show and instead of incur-raging him he was continuously discouraging without observing the demonstration of car ,which successfully is running on water.He declare the Aga a fool man who is making the fraud with peoples and nation.On the other hand peoples are making wok-up to the Engineer on his miracle invention.Dr.Atta ur Rehman language towards Aga Waqar was very insulting and objectionable,however it is more appreciable that he rejected his money offer with this determination and thanks that he will demonstrate the same in Doctor,s own car and offer of money should be distributed to the poor.Very Good and Aga Zinda Bad and please do demonstrate immediately in publically.Pakistan is poor country and Government should take deep interest to fulfill the mission and launch the water Kit as early as possible in the country because it will curtail the fuel crises and open the new way of development and finish the unemployment in the country.
This water energy will run the wheel of industry on wide scale which has now been absolutely damaged for want of energy.
Any wise person can understand at the spot that it is despicable crime to declare Agha Waqar a fraud with out finding physically any fraud in car that he has already demonstrated in front of top journalists politicians and many Ph.D’s. Some theoretical Ph.D’s has launched hate campaign against the greatest inventor of mankind history Agha Waqar. All objections of these some IRRESPONSIBLE Ph.D’s do not carry any weight and sense. They WRONGLY claim, this invention violates laws of science; in fact it does not. The reason of their totally absurd claims is their jealousy against inventor & their inability to understand that new invention. Sometime they say, Agha is not engineer, so he cannot invent. But Edison the biggest inventor of history was too neither Ph.D nor even B.Engg. Ata Rehman & Hoodbhoy are driving in wrong direction on one way road. Their all hue & cry is, that car cannot be run on electrolysis with battery but they do not know that method of Agha is ABSOLUTELY not conventiona; Electrolysis. When they will know his method, they will not sleep many nights
I am technical person and want to talk about the technology which adopted by Engineer Waqar is totally obsolete. he want to hide many thing from public about this adopted technology of water kit. he said he used distil water not any chemical. he is totally lying and nonsense as Dr. Atta ur Rehman objected in your Capital talk. I think Dr Atta ur Rehman is right. this technology no doubt work but as he said he getting more energy than input it is absolutely wrong. and you can believe i am also working on this technology for the last few month and made water fuel kit for my motor byke and tried on it. it create explosion but i become safe because the water kit which i made it was normal plastic bottle and it just break into pieces with explosion. it is my luck that i use plastic material not any hard material like glass and secondly i use on motorbyke not in the car it may create more hazard.So it is my luck but this time i want to tell you that how much this technology useful and become explosive in future. In brief Dr. Atta ur rehman is right. i want to tell about the draw back of this technology one by one
1. it may explosive in the absence of safety walls (Dont try to mix with CNG. while hydrogen more explosive than any other fuel.
2. it run on distill water of good quality (which is expensive)
3 it cannot run on pure ditill water , it need some chemicals
4.In other country it was use as alternate fuel not for economical reasons because it was environment friendly fuel . it produce gases like water (steam) not carbondioxide.
5. it is use with other fuel especially in diesel vehicle in 30 to 40% to reduce the emission of dangerous gases.
so you can understand why this technology in other countries is not well developed the back ground of this alternate fuel was to reduce emission and safe the environment and that is why if you search the history this water fuel kit you will find the inventor of this technology are developed countries like America , japan . I think after this discussion you will understand that why this technology not spread throughout the world. it is not economical because the water use in it is pure water (distill water) which itself produce by costly procedure. In brief this technology is adopted (Copied) by Engineer Agha waqar from internet. So please concentrate on Dr. Atta ur Rehman technical suggestions
with great regard
TRUTH: Pakistani Water Car invented by Agha Waqar & his team is indeed the greatest invention of mankind history: A Nation that has one of the most creative brains in the world has finally won.
Any wise person can understand at the spot that it is despicable crime to declare Agha Waqar a fraud with out finding physically any fraud in car that he has already demonstrated in front of top journalists politicians and many Ph.D’s. Some theoretical Ph.D’s has launched hate campaign against the greatest inventor of mankind history Agha Waqar. All objections of these some IRRESPONSIBLE Ph.D’s do not carry any weight and sense. They WRONGLY claim, this invention violates laws of science; in fact it does not. The reason of their totally absurd claims is their jealousy against inventor & their inability to understand that new invention. Their universe of science has been stuck & confined to a blackbox called electrolysis. Just like a rusty deformed needle of a retired old wall clock is stuck at one place due to its weak battery. So these some useless jealous Ph.D’s have lost their faculty to think OUT OF BOX. They will not understand mechanics of this greatest invention unless they start to think out of box. Sometime they say, Agha is not engineer, so he cannot invent. But Edison the biggest inventor of history was too neither Ph.D nor even B.Engg. Ata Rehman & Hoodbhoy are driving in wrong direction on one way road. Their all hue & cry is, that car cannot be run on electrolysis with battery but they do not know that method of Agha is ABSOLUTELY not conventional Electrolysis. When they will know his method, they will not sleep for many nights.
All people who are educated in the field of Science and Technology and have also experience in Engineering Physics.
Please read this Research Paper on Water Car of Agha. This paper tells clearly that Agha is not Fraud but Ata Rehman, Hoodbhoy and many other THEORETICAL Ph.D’s are in fact foooooooool Jaahils & they do not have EXPERIENCE+Ability to understand that new greatest invention of mankind history, invented by Agha.
Read this file and also please forward this file to all ur educated friends. Thanks.
Author of this paper is Professional Engineer with over 30 years experience in the field of Engineering Physics.
I am very happy to read this. This is the type
of manual that needs to be given and not the
accidental misinformation that is at the other blogs.
Appreciate your sharing this best doc.
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