President Zardari urges to promote democratic culture in Pakistan
Saturday, September 15th, 2012 2:24:15 by Faisal Farooq
President Asif Ali Zardari has asked the nation to come forwards and pledge to promote the blossoming of democratic culture in the country.
In his message on the International Day of Democracy, the president said that it will strengthen the pro-democracy forces throughout the world and discourage potential dictators from curbing the aspirations of the people through direct and indirect adventurism.
He observed, “The nature of threat to democracy changed with changing times and it was imperative to correctly identify the nature and sources of this threat at any given time and to take appropriate measures against it”.
He was of the opinion that dictators used direct and brute force to negate the will of the people by abolishing the Constitution but today both the nature of threat and the techniques employed had changed.
He noted, “It is therefore imperative that democracy loving people clearly understood the changed tactics and prepared themselves against subversion of the Constitution and negation of the will of the people”.
He was of the opinion that the people of the country were democracy loving and instinctively knew how to protect democracy from visible and not so visible elements threatening it.
He said that this trait of the Pakistani nation was evident from the fact that while democracy had suffered serious setbacks in the past they never allowed dictatorship to take roots in the country.
He further added, “The political and constitutional developments of the past five years including the 18thamendment‚ political reforms in FATA and Gilgit-Baltistan‚ the NFC Award‚ the heeding of the call for a province of South Punjab in accordance with the aspirations of its people and the empowerment of the provinces clearly show that the ethos of the people of Pakistan essentially is democratic”.
In the concluding remarks, the president congratulated the democratic forces in the world in general and in Pakistan in particular on this special day.
He was of the opinion that it was a day for all democratic forces to re-affirm commitment to democracy and democratic ideals and to guard against direct and indirect threats to democratic order and stability.
Tags: FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, International Day of Democracy, NFC, Pakistan Peoples’ Party, ppp, President Asif Ali Zardari, South PunjabShort URL: