Wii U compulsory 5GB firmware update testing the patience of gamers
Sunday, November 25th, 2012 9:35:55 by Muhammad Qasim Hassan
Despite Nintendo launching its first high-definition (HD) console Wii U in North American on November 18, the users were unable to play it because of a first day mandatory update that took up to four hours to complete.
With Wii U being the first console in the next-generation space and remaining in headlines for the past few months, it was only natural for the gamers to be overwhelmed by excitement upon its launch and anxious to start discovering what the system had to offer.
However, things did not exactly go their way. The moment they switched their console on, they came across a message that the system needs to perform a compulsory update, which has a size of 5GB.
While it did not seem like a big deal in the beginning, the users began to lose their patience as the progress bar of the download hardly reached the 15 percent mark after 30 minutes, which clearly indicated that they will not be able to access the system until the next three-to-four hours.
The disgruntled Wii U users began sharing their annoyance and pictures of the slow download progress on the social networking and web-blogging website Twitter.
Kotaku came across a tweet by one Wii U owner who posted a photo of his television display the Wii U firmware update progress.
Even though the download had been going on for 30 minutes, the bar was still in the far left corner, thus signalling a very long wait for the owner.
A few owners, however, have stated that the firmware update completes at a decent speed if the internet connection is good.
The mandatory first day firmware update for Wii U is not just a fix for some type, but will in fact let the user access online features, make it possible to transfer date from Wii, get an access to Miiverse and various other online features.
Nintendo’s latest offering can pretty much be described as an unassembled bicycle that the buyers will have to put together through by giving it up to four hours of uninterrupted internet connection.
Wii U is Nintendo’s first HD console and marks the beginning of an era of next-generation consoles. Launched with 23 titles, including Super Mario Bros U, Assassin’s Creed, Mass Effect 3: Special Edition and ZombiU, the console has become the hottest console in the market for now.
Nintendo has made two version of its latest console available in market, deluxe edition and basic edition. The former bears a price tag of $350 because of having additional memory, additional accessories, etc, whereas the latter has arrived with a price tag of $300.
Wii U is slated for a November 30 launch in Europe and Australia, before eventually hitting the shelves in Japan on December 8.
Tags: day 1 update, firmware update, nintendo, video game news, Wii UShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=35329