The Workplace Sanity
Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 2:07:56 by Rana Nasir Ghafoor
The Workplace Sanity
Empowering women is the most sophisticated way of accelerating social and economic development. Such are the ideal concepts, being practiced in today’s modern world. While we have seen phenomenal changes taking place across the world in recent decades,
the status and fate of women, who have been treated badly through the centuries in almost all cultures, have not changed much.
Pakistan is a highly male dominant society. Women face suppression in almost every possible way. As per the UNESCO Education for All, Global Monitoring Report, Pakistan is in the bottom 10 countries, according to the proportion of girls who have never been
to school and a total of 61 percent of the overall female population of Pakistan is illiterate.
How ironic it is? In a country like Pakistan, that has lived a total 65 years of independence so far, there seems to be no tendency to give equal rights to the female population. According to the Global Inequality Index, Pakistan ranks lowest in the South
Asian region in terms of GDP per capita for women. These are the harsh realities that keep pushing us back in almost every walk of life.
The Pakistani women not only face dependence at home but their workplace environment also does not allow them to enjoy their due freedom. Various examples and studies have been conducted over this issues which proves that women are often paid less than their
male counterparts, most of the senior management are men and if by chance, any female reaches at top, she is tagged with words like “man like”, “cold.
In order to change this mindset enable women to live like respectable and equal citizens, our civil society needs to come forward and take initiatives. Currently, White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan, a quest for the involvement of men against gender violence
and inequality, is a ray of hope.
Since 2006, this organization has been working to eradicate the situations concerning inequalities against women. It conducts trainings for working women, sensitizing them to fight for their due rights and educating them about workplace ethics.
There are many nuisance acts that women often face during work. These range from very obvious verbal or physical assault to very subtle psychological abuse. WRCP believes in empowering working women so that they may easily overcome these situations and stand
for their rights.
Naturally, harassing behavior or bullying creates stress. It’s always better to talk to a responsible senior who can professionally take care of the situation and if even after their intervention, things go out of control, it is recommended
to show some courage and directly talk to the person who is involved in such acts. Women are the most dignified beings and one should never forget this fact.
Violence against women, in any case is not acceptable. It is about time that men in Pakistani society realize the importance of their roles. Suppressing someone only makes them stronger. Beating, torturing, harassing them only makes them stronger and more
White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan helps men realize this very fact and tries to create an environment that suits to every single person in this society, either a man or a woman.
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