Survey says majority oppose Obama’s drone campaign
Friday, July 19th, 2013 11:09:14 by Tahir Khan
A fresh survey in the United States reveals the Obama administration’s use of drone strikes faces broad opposition around the world.
The survey conducted by the Pew Research Centre‚ Washington in thirty nine countries‚ says that half or more people in thirty one countries have disapproved the US drone attacks against extremist groups.
The survey also covered another important question about the international public opinion on china’s rise as an economic power and on how it compares with the United States.
The findings show that people around the world believe that global balance of power is shifting and China may be eventually replace the United States as the world’s dominant power.
The US drone campaign is highly controversial across the world and majority in Pakistan oppose these attacks.
Pakistan and tribesmen say that the drones kill innocent people and it is counterproductive.
Tags: obama, Pew Research Centre, US drones, WashingtonShort URL: