Pakistan wants US strategic dialogue revival during Kerry visit

Sunday, July 28th, 2013 3:39:20 by

Pakistan will strive to restore strategic dialogue with the United States during the forthcoming visit of Secretary of State John Kerry to Islamabad, the Foreign Ministry said Friday.



The strategic dialogue between both the countries had been stopped after the U.S. fighter jets bombed a Pakistani post and killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November 2011.


The last round of talks was held in October 2010 in Washington.


Kerry was originally scheduled to visit Pakistan in June but postponed his visit due to rapidly changing developments over the Syrian crisis.


The Prime Minister’s office said on Friday that John Kerry will visit Islamabad in few days.


The upcoming visit of the US Secretary of State will be the first high level contact with newly installed government in Pakistan.


Spokesman Foreign Office Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry says five working groups on both sides engaged to move forward the Pakistan-US strategic dialogue before the American attack.


Chaudhry told state radio that these groups will hold meetings for resumption of wide-range strategic dialogue if agreed by both sides.


The United States is Pakistan largest trading partner and both the countries are already cooperating in politics‚ defense‚ trade‚ commerce‚ infrastructure‚ agriculture‚ energy‚ education‚ culture and other areas.


Afghan reconciliation process would be one of the key agenda of John Kerry’s visit to Islamabad. Pakistan has assured full commitment to all initiatives designed to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan.


Pakistan has already affirmed its commitment to a strong and cooperative relationship with the United States.



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