Indian shelling kills Pakistani woman along LoC
Sunday, August 25th, 2013 11:19:05 by Tahir Khan
Indian troops have killed a Pakistani woman in a latest incident of shelling along the Line of Control, officials in Azad Kashmir said Sunday.
An Indian mortar landed on a house in Kotli district early Sunday, Assistant Commissioner in the area, Ayub Khan, told the media persons.
He said the firing in Nikyal sector also injured a child. The mortar also caused damage to the house.
Khan said Indian troops resorted to unprovoked shelling in the morning and shells also hit civilian houses along the LoC, which divides the two countries in Kashmir region.
There have been escalations along the LoC in recent days despite a ceasefire declared by both countries in 2003.
Both accuse each other of the ceasefire violations as exchange of fire claimed lives of soldiers of both countries.
Pakistan army says that Indian troops Thursday killed a soldier, second soldier died in Indian firing in three days.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for solution to the LoC escalations through diplomatic and military channels however Indian authorities have not yet responded to the offer.
Tags: Azad Kashmir, Indian firing, Line of Control, Nikyal sectorShort URL: