Coronavirus Infected Patients in Saudi Arabia increased 86% in April
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 7:00:46 by Abdul Basit Abbasi
In two years, the new coronavirus that appeared in the Middle East has affected at least 723 people, of which 131 have died, according to the last count of the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). These figures have soared in the last month, where cases only in Saudi Arabia increased by 86 %.
In addition to this increase, the disease, called MERS (for Middle East respiratory syndrome), a concern for two reasons: although hardly said transmitting among people, 75% of new cases acquired through contact with sick and no animal (believed that the origin is at the camels). In addition, next month will take place July populous pilgrimages to Mecca, and it is feared that an outbreak occurs in the city. Mortality, 18%, is quite high, although not as much as the H5N1 flu virus still circulates in Southeast Asia, which exceeds 50% or Ebola Guinea, with more than 60%.
The disease has claimed another victim: the Saudi Health Minister Abdullah al- Rabiah, has been dismissed in the following cases that claimed that the situation was under control. The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent a group of experts to try to tackle the problem. According to its spokesmen, nothing explains the sudden increase in cases. In a message intended to reassure, claim that is due in large part to infections within hospitals, demonstrating not so much that the coronavirus passes easily between people but there have been an oversight on the health workforce.
In addition, studies indicate that coronavirus lost virulence when passed between people. In fact, they have only recorded two tertiary infections (which the virus has been through two people before reaching the last sick), and very few of people who lived in the same house.
Although there are 15 countries that have reported cases, the focus remains on the Arabian peninsula. The last detected ill, an Egyptian living in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. For now, the only recommendation made by the authorities is that contact with camels and especially intake of milk or meat from these animals avoid uncooked.
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