Pakistan to Earn A lot from Mango Export
Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 10:53:45 by Ahmad Mehdi
The king of fruits is set to be exported with a target of 175,000 tons which would result in a $65m earning.
Mr Waheed Ahmed issued a statement that the mango export shipments will leave the bay from 25th of May onwards.
Despite losing the high profit generating markets of US and Japan this year the high volume exports to South Korea and Australia might fill up the hole.
European markets are exported around 24k tons of mangoes every year but this time around the exporters are more worried about the quality of the product and not the quality because of the bans that were put on India due to the export of Indian mangoes which had fruit flies.
Mr Waheed added that this time around the harvest of the mangoes will overall decrease to 1.2 million tons from 1.8 million tons. The province of Punjab that produced the most amount of mangoes which around 1.2 million alone will only produce 900,000 tons of mangoes while Sindh contributing to 550,000 tons reducing from its usual annual capacity of 645,000 tons per season.
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