United States missile strikes in North Waziristan by drones has killed 6 al-Qaeda commanders according to report in daily The News. It is reported that al-Qaeda leader Sanafi al Nasr based in Syria has confirmed the “Martyrdom of six of the dearest comrades” using the social media site Twitter. Pakistan Army is engaged in an […]

It was recently reported from Los Angeles that a man in America was sentenced to jail as he was planning to carry out a weapons training program in Pakistan that would benefit the Al Qaeda. The prosecutor revealed that the man has spent several years in Syria and was willing to exchange his knowledge about […]

Pakistan Friday condemned a latest American drone strike in the country’s tribal region and warned that such strikes set “dangerous precedents in the inter-state relations.” An American spy aircraft rained missiles into North Waziristan tribal region and killed at least five people early Friday, security officials said. The U.S. unmanned drone fired two missiles at […]

The United States has evacuated all non-emergency staff from its consulate in Lahore over security concerns, US officials said Friday. The State Department also issued a travel warning advising all citizens to defer unnecessary travel to Pakistan amid a worldwide alert over al-Qaeda intercepts. “The Department of State ordered this drawdown due to specific threats […]

U.S. officials have stressed that the CIA is expected to maintain a significant footprint even after the pullback from Afghanistan, with a station in Kabul that will remain among the agency’s largest in the world, as well as a fleet of armed drones that will continue to patrol Pakistan’s tribal belt, The Washington Post reported […]

Former al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was able to hide in Pakistan for nine years due to the “collective failure” of state military and intelligence authorities, a leaked Pakistani government report has revealed. The report also outlines how “routine” incompetence at every level of civil governance structure allowed the once world’s most wanted man […]

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has telephoned Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, and ‘reassured that the US Administration remained steadfast in supporting the new democratic government in Pakistan’, the Foreign Ministry said Monday. Secretary Kerry provided an update on the recent developments and expressed appreciation for Pakistan’s positive role in advancing peace and […]

The United States has imposed sanctions on Abd al-Hamid al-Masli, an alleged key bomb maker for al-Qaeda. The Department of Treasury on called the move the latest in its efforts to target the facilitators of improvised explosive devices (IED), as “Al-Qaeda continues to employ IEDs as the weapon of choice to kill and maim […]
Jun 7 2013 | Posted in
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An American spy aircraft Wednesday fired missiles into South Waziristan tribal region and killed at least five people, security officials said. Two missiles were fired on a house in Sararogha area early morning, completely destroying the building. All those in the compound were killed and injured, officials said. They said that the […]

Pakistani Taliban said on Tuesday denied any involvement in two bomb attacks in Massachusetts during the Boston Marathon, which killed three persons and injured up to 100 others. Taliban spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, said Taliban do not have any role in the attacks. He said Taliban may issue a detailed statement when someone claims […]

The U.S. ambassador in Islamabad, Richard Olson, on Wednesday said that the United States will not leave Afghanistan and will not repeat the mistake of late 80s. “Let me be clear, the United States is not leaving Afghanistan. The terms of engagement might change, but the commitment will not,” the envoy said in a […]
Mar 6 2013 | Posted in
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The U.N. Security Council has announced it has removed Osama bin Laden’s name from a list of sanctioned members of al-Qaeda. The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a U.S. military raid on his compound in Abbottabad, in May 2011, the action condemned by Pakistan as violation of its sovereignty. The Security Council approved […]
Feb 26 2013 | Posted in
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