Posts tagged as: general masses

Where Pakistan stands for USA in the war against terror?

Where Pakistan stands for USA in the war against terror? Pakistan has paid the biggest price in the so-called war against terror so far as compared to any other nation in the world. Nevertheless, the contribution and sacrifices that Pakistan has made in this regard are yet to be acknowledged and rewarded by USA and […]

Following blindly a foreign culture

Following blindly a foreign culture Proud nations in the world always continue their journey towards elevation while keeping their culture and traditions alive, which help them to achieve a distinguished position among all other nations on the globe. Nevertheless, general masses in Pakistan have different priorities and they are going in a completely reversed situation […]

Refine yourself to make Pakistan a better place

Refine yourself to make Pakistan a better place It is quite a common trend that we always keep on spitting on rulers and their corruption without even thinking about our own deeds as we have also become corrupt in one way or the other. Islam reveals that corrupt masses can never get pious leaders because […]

Never ending corruption haunting the society

Never ending corruption haunting the society Security forces are formulated to stop the criminal activities and to provide protection to general masses in every country all over the world. Ironically, if polis that is considered the protector of people, itself starts creating problems for people, the society will not be left anyone to go and […]

Grieving conditions put layman in a state of uncertainty

Grieving conditions put layman in a state of uncertainty General masses in Pakistan wanted to see this country growing since its creation but a prolonged wait has brought them to the verge of disappointment. This frustrated situation is a result of the bad policies of corrupt rulers and politicians who have been looting the country […]

Use the power of your vote to change the fate of Pakistan

Use the power of your vote to change the fate of Pakistan The true method to determine the fate of a democratic nation is Election in which general masses in the whole country elect their representatives through whom they find solutions to their problems. On the other hand, if these general masses stay at home […]

Who is responsible for current crisis in Pakistan?

Who is responsible for current crisis in Pakistan? Democratic form of government is always preferred because it is widely considered the best system to run the affairs of a country throughout the world. However, in Pakistan, even the democratic system produced no good at all for general masses. Democracy is called the government of the […]

People getting frustrated with Pakistan’s existing situation

People getting frustrated with Pakistan’s existing situation With every passing day, people are getting frustrated with the ongoing situation in Pakistan as they are being forced to live even below the poverty line and no one is there in the government to do something for them. The ruling party and its allies are looting this […]

Frustration overwhelming people in Pakistan

Frustration overwhelming people in Pakistan Frustration is overwhelming the people of Pakistan as the rulers are pushing them towards the uncertain future. A fear has penetrated into their hearts that nothing is going to be right in this country until it gets rid of those corrupt who are in rule at federal and provincial level. […]

General masses getting disappointed with prolonged wait to see a prosperous Pakistan

General masses getting disappointed with prolonged wait to see a prosperous Pakistan It has been the dream of general masses to see a prosperous Pakistan since its creation but a prolonged wait has brought them to the verge of disappointment. This frustrated situation is a result of the bad policies of corrupt rulers and politicians […]

To make Pakistan a distinguished nation

To make Pakistan a distinguished nation Lively nations in the world always continue their journey towards elevation while keeping their culture and traditions alive, which help them to achieve a distinguished position among all other nations on the globe. However, general masses in Pakistan have different priorities and they are going in a completely reversed […]

When protectors turn into violators

When protectors turn into violators In every country of the world the security forces, particularly police, are formed to stop the criminal activities and to provide protection to general masses throughout the country. However, if the police force, which is supposed to provide protection to people, itself starts creating problems for people, the society will […]


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