Posts tagged as: plans

How to achieve your targets set in New Year’s Resolutions – Part 3

Once you find yourself fully committed to the routine you have set for yourself and you are hundred percent confident that it is not going to change, find a community that has the same manifesto. You can share your experiences and let everybody else know what to do in what situation. Moreover, the aforementioned can […]

How to achieve your targets set in New Year’s Resolutions – Part 2

First of all do not keep the plans to yourself. Make someone witness of it. Use your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter to know your plans as witnesses. This way cheating on the resolution becomes difficult as people will be asking from time to time of your plans. There is no shame in […]

How to achieve your targets set in New Year’s Resolutions – Part 1

Everybody thinks a new year will be full of new opportunities and chances to eradicate the problems and perils that lay in the current year. However, as much as the New Year ’s Eve is full of hope, all those plans made on 31st December or 1st January fade out in a matter of two […]


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