Posts tagged as: Rehman malik\

Rehman Malik Not in Favour of Releasing Terrorists for Innocents

It was recently reported from Islamabad that the former Interior Minister of Pakistan, Rehman Malik, came out in the open and defied how Pakistani government is currently entering peace talks with Tehreek E Taliban.   Pakistan and Taliban have always wanted to enter these peace talks and now it is finally time for both the […]

Rehman Malik Criticizes Taliban

It was recently reported from Karachi that the former interior minister of Pakistan, Rehman Malik, spoke against the outlawed organization, Tehreek E Taliban. He also spoke about how this organization can eventually evolve into a political party. Rehman Malik landed on the Karachi Jinnah International Airport and took out time to speak to the media. […]

PPP invites MQM to join Sindh govt

A PPP delegation Sunday visited the MQM headquarters in Karachi and formally invited the MQM to join the Sindh government.   Former Interior Minister Rehman Malik, along with other PPP leaders, met the MQM leaders and discussed the future cooperation.   The MQM leaders told the PPP team that the party’s Rabita Committee will discuss […]

Musharraf admits secret deal with U.S. on drone strikes

Former President Pervez Musharraf has acknowledged his government secretly signed off on U.S. drone strikes, the first time a top past or present Pakistani official has admitted publicly to such a deal.   Pakistani leaders long have openly challenged the drone program and insisted they had no part in it, CNN reported.   Musharraf’s admission, […]


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