Posts tagged as: 2008 crisis

China and India: Asia’s most powerful economies – Part 1

Once upon a time in far-far West we had the US and the UK, the promising and most thriving economies, and on the other side of the globe was Japan playing fist fights with them single-handedly. Then came the God of Economic Destruction and set the world on ‘Stock Fire’. But, two countries saw the […]

China and India: Asia’s most powerful economies – Part 2

China, these days, is facing hard times due to the lack of foreign demand, especially in the US and Europe, economic crisis being one of the reasons. The country’s own domestic consumption is less than satisfactory which has resulted in slow growth rate, somewhere near 2 percent a year, which was once well above 10 percent […]

Goldman Sachs sees hope in Mike Bloomberg – Part 3

The fact that the company is now considered something of a ”hot potato” in Washington DC, where the investment bank is losing friends fast, is something investors should worry about, as well. After the 2008 blow, many investors just parried away from the company. Moreover, the bank also attracted opprobrium from the media. It just could not revive from trenches of […]

Goldman Sachs sees hope in Mike Bloomberg – Part 2

Bloomberg pointed out, in its defense, however, that Goldman Sachs is a huge employer in New York City, and that as the Mayor it is his duty to protect and defend such companies. Incidentally, Goldman Sachs is also one of the largest customers of Bloomberg Inc. (Mike Bloomberg’s sweet child), which sells its computer data terminals to Wall Street banks, investment and securities firms, and media outlets. The three-time […]

Goldman Sachs sees hope in Mike Bloomberg – Part 1

Goldman Sachs is the sinking ship that got hole in the bowls in the midst of the 2008 crisis. What made it worse was the Congressional inquiry that took a toll on its stock price at the Street. However, there is one person who is tipped to take the helm to bring the company to […]

East Asian economy shows a downward trend due to the decreasing European demand – Part 1

East Asian market is in the midst of the economic ordeal that has devoured the whole world of late. The European Sovereign Debt situation has aggravated the already aching global economy that is still living through the aftermaths of 2008 financial crisis. The East Asian countries were hit severely by the calamity, as their exports […]

East Asian economy shows a downward trend due to the decreasing European demand – Part 2

Thailand, one of the promising economies in the Pacific, was struck brutally by the Monsoon floods during the latter half of 2011. The adversity took its toll on factories and countless equipment. The mechanized industry is getting back on its feet but the lack of exports to Europe still keeps the downward trend unchanged. Same […]

The US government should learn from Chinese excise and taxation system – Part 1

The year 2011 was a mercurial one in the US stock exchanges; perhaps the country is still living through the aftermaths of the 2008 financial crisis and 2009 economic meltdown. However, since coming into power, the US president, Barack Obama has done little to the remedy of situation. According to a recent survey by a […]

The US government should learn from Chinese excise and taxation system – Part 2

Moreover, the excise duty on imported luxury items like vehicles, watches and even pens has been increased alongside taxes on big houses. The reason for such a remodelling is that the elite can still afford luxury despite the increased prices of such commodities. The proof of this was evident in a latest research that showed […]

What made 2011 a mercurial year and what should be done to avoid such situation in the future? – Part 4

The main reason why the 2008 upheaval occurred was loosely monitored banking sector that showed profits and profits, nothing else, however; in reality the Enron crisis was in the making. The same happened in Europe. However, the US government and the international community for that matter needs to create units which can oversee the operation […]

What made 2011 a mercurial year and what should be done to avoid such situation in the future? – Part 3

More aching is the failing economy of China. During the 2008 episode, the Chinese government issue a $630 Billion easing package to the business sector, like the US, but the industry managed to get out of the crisis, unlike the US. However, the issue that remained un addressed was the encouragement of domestic consumption. The […]

What made 2011 a mercurial year and what should be done to avoid such situation in the future? — Part 2 –

The reason why the European economy ended in a free fall, yet again was the lack of any long-term financial tools. The free flow of the money from European Central Bank to the commercial and investment ones without a proper check and balance resulted in a gargantuan pile of debt that looked unacceptable in the […]


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