Pakistan Army discards NATO regrets over attacks
Monday, November 28th, 2011 6:48:26 by Waqas Munir
Over the death of 24 Pakistani Soldiers in the National Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) forces attack in the Mohmand tribal region along the Afghan Border on Saturday, the Pakistani Army has strongly condemned and rejected
the regrets from the U.S. and NATO officials on Monday.
Pakistani Army spokes person Major General Athar Abbas said the NATO attack could cause severe effects on bilateral relations and cooperation in War against terrorism.
Military representative presented the view point of Pakistani Army after NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen expressed regrets over the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers on Sunday and issued a statement claiming a fair investigation
will be carried out. Rasmussen further added the deaths of Pakistani forces are as condemnable as the deaths of soldiers of Afghanistan and NATO forces.
Athar Abbas said the NATO regrets are not enough over this poignant incident. "We think this is not enough and we do not accept it. Such raids have also been conducted in the past. Such attacks are unacceptable," General Abbas
Pakistan has closed down the supply line to the Afghanistan of the NATO forces from the Torkham and Chaman border. And Major General said the Pakistani leadership will decide about the further steps required to take against this
unforgiveable incident.
On Saturday, two Helicopters and NATO fighter planes were reported to attack on two Pakistani check posts in Mahmond Agency. An invasion made between the night of Friday and Saturday, caused deaths of 24 soldiers, including two
officers and injured 13 others.
The NATO claimed attacks were the reaction of the assault made on NATO’s special mission from the Pakistani soil. But the Director General Inter-Services Public Relations rejected the claim asking NATO to tell about the deaths
caused by the Pakistani attack.
"It is ridicules to find out justification for NATO unprovoked attack through such notions," General Abbas said.
On reacting to the NATO Chief statement, that attacks were an accident the DGPR spokes person said investigations would provide truth. As said by General Abbas, the NATO authorities were informed when the incident was being created.
"The NATO representatives were told to immediately stop firing but the attacks continued".
"When our people were martyred and NATO continued more firing then Pakistani troops exercised its right of defence to respond to stop NATO attacks," the army spokesman said.
"Investigation will prove whether or not Pakistani fire hit them," General Abbas said.
In past three years, 72 Pakistani soldiers have been killed and nearly 250 injured in NATO strikes.
Tags: Athar Abbas, DPGR, Inter Services Intelligence, ISAF, ISI, Major General Athar Abbas, National Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO Attacks, NATO Chief, Pakistan Army, RAsmussenShort URL: