In the pursuit of happiness
Thursday, February 9th, 2012 5:55:42 by Muhammad Ahmad Nazir
Happiness is the ultimate target of every individual in this world and he adopts several ways to achieve it. However, unfortunately, a huge majority of people misunderstand real meaning of happiness and thus spend their whole life by proceeding in the wrong direction.
People think that money is the only way to get happiness and they spend their whole life in the pursuit of accumulating wealth.
They also remain engaged in different means, whether fair of foul, in getting this goal but end up nowhere despite having money in their possession.
Such people do not know what happiness is and in this misunderstanding they continue accumulating wealth by thinking it the only way to get real happiness.
Happiness means a real satisfaction that one can feel from the core of his heart. Material gains cannot produce such feeling as they only make a man uneasy.
Real happiness has nothing to do with huge amount of wealth as it can be achieved from petty things of life as well.
People always remain busy in getting a luxurious life but they never pay attention to those pleasures which are in front of them but they never realise these pleasures.
A man’s thinking is the main point that identifies his parameters and also what he thinks about happiness.
However, it is safe to say that those who are busy in materialistic pursuit are far away from real happiness.
Another flaw of people is they do not remain satisfied with what they have got at the moment as they remain busy in getting more and more.
He remains away from religion, relatives, friends and nature in order to get more and more wealth but end up nowhere. He in fact, fails to identify the purpose of his own creation.
Sheikh Saadi expressed his views about such people by saying, “To make money we lose our health and then to restore our health we lose our money. We live as if we are never going to die and we die as if we never lived.”
If you want to get real happiness then you should probe into your heart and define your goals not on the base of materialism but on the base of self realisation, which will definitely earn you real happiness you will become indifferent to greed of materialistic
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