Faryal Shah (Rinkle Kumari) denied the forced conversion allegations in front of the court
Thursday, March 8th, 2012 5:58:46 by Ahmed Babar
Faryal Shah (Rinkle Kumari) denied the forced conversion allegations in front of the court
One of the most discussed issues today is the marriage of Naveed Shah and Rinkle Kumari. It has been said the Rinkle was forced to accept Islam after marrying Naveed.
However, she has today denied the reports and has admitted that she converted to Islam on her own will and was not forced by any means.
She has read out the Kalma-e- Tayyaba and has also selected a Muslim name, Faryal Shah. The couple was brought in front of the Sindh High Court in Sukkhur on Thursday morning under heavy security.
Achar Gabloe was the legal representative of the case and he has filed a constitutional petition suggesting that the couple’s lives are in danger from the girl’s relatives.
While answering the questions related to the life threats, Faryal cited that she has received life threats from her uncle.
“Our lives are under threat from my maternal uncle Raj Kumar”, she said.
Mian Muhammad Aslam has cited that it is evident that the couple are happy with their lives in Pakistan and there is no pressure on Faryal.
He noted, “Rather she gave a statement against her own maternal uncle who is threatening to kill her”.
Aslam also mentioned that his father who is the Member of National Assembly for PPP also visited court.
The main reason behind his arrival at the court was because Faryal’s parents intended to meet her but never showed up.
He quoted, “I personally requested them to come over and meet their daughter to see for themselves that she was not under pressure, but they didn’t’ come”.
He clarified an important fact that, no one can be forced to accept any religion including Islam and Faryal has decided to accept Islam because of her own choice.
Tags: Faryal Shah, Mian Muhammad Aslam, Naveed Shah, Raj Kumar, Rinkle Kumari, Sindh High CourtShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=15076
big slap on the faces of liberal forces by the girl herself, ISLAM wins again
ISLAM zinda’abad
Pakistan paenda’abad
well anyway the boy needs high heel shoes walking besides his wife
Does Islam allows you to fire in front of the public and joy the happiness? Which you did? This all shows your cruelty. Do not make Sindh as Waziristan because people living in Sindh are kind and peaceful. The world knows the reality of what kind of people we are. This is not a victory of Islam but its antonym. God may bless my Sindh. Sindh Zindabad Sindh Paindabad ( Long live my Sindh)
Changing of girls statement showing,there is big propaganda behind that,first PPP MNA said that couple came to him to get merried and now girl said she called them by phone and told them she wanted to convert to islam, they came and pick her up,and converted to islam and after that ,they said she can not live alone so she got married to Naveed (a lower class street boy).whom she never met before .
Can you imagine ,what ever they are dictating to the girl , she is obeying just to save her parents life and also herself.A fools man can understand this situation, why so many educated peoples in pakistan can not understand the situation of the case ….strange!!!!!!!
this is nothing but talibanization of islam. only country in world where this can happen repeatidly is pakistan. think where we are going and how world se
e us. why not hindu male marry muslim girl and converted why only girls. allah watching you so react PM GILLANI
Ms. Roshni,
I am pleased that you call Naveed; a street boy. He really looks like that.
Every day new story is made which clearly indicates the reality. But its more shocking than that our law makers are still unable to understand the reality. Rinkle is sent to shelter home. We expect that she will not be emphasized there at shelter home and any one would not be able to meet her so that she may be able to tell the reality..
Faryal herself accepted Islam. She is saying again and again that she converted to Islam after a period of personal study. She also confirmed that no Muslim had any influence over her decision to convert to Islam.
However, her family members are torturing and forcing her into accepting Hinduism once again. It’s just because they are Hindus and their hearts have been full of hatred throughout history against Muslims.
We also know that there’s no Taliban inside Pakistan. All the terrorists are the uncircumcised agents of foreign agencies like the CIA (Christian Insurgnecy of America), Israeli Mossad, and Hindu RAW [Research and Analysis Wing]. all bomb blasts and terrorist attacks in Pakistan that are later blamed always on the entity called “Pakistani Taliban”, are actually carried out by Blackwater acting in concert with (CIA, Mossad, RAW) to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons.
Thanks for your kind words. Let’s see this case with complete neutrality. If Rinkle has accepted Islam with her will, we should all respect her decision (though there is no point of firing guns).
By reading the newspapers there are following points which make her statement of willfully converting to Islam in doubt:
1. During the press conference she was asked to name the books she has read to get inspiration of Islam but she couldn’t;
2. She said that she will recide Surah Ikhlas but she didn’t;
3. Reporters asked to interview her separately but they were not allowed, rather the intereview was conducted in heavy presence of the influential person and his followers;
4. She was taken by holding her arm forcefully, which is sign of suppression as she could have walked out on her own respectfully.
5. She said she never met Naveed Shah before. That is strange that a girl who takes such a bold decision of changing the religion can settle for marrying any one without knowing him.
Let’s hope that truth prevails (whatever that may be).
Also, forgot to mention one more thing. During the press conference Rinkle was given chits to make the statement. This is a sign of dictation.
When some one has to make a simple statement that she converted to Islam on her own will, she didn’t needed to be given notes.
Hello Mukesh!
Thanks for offering your opinions. But let me tell you that your info is conveniently short. You know Pakistani puppet government is subservient to Indian and western regimes. Pakistan is not an Islamic country. Pakistan is not following Islam. It is far away from Islam.
It is your own thought and because of this, it doesn’t mean that it is correct. You heard from the media. the news must have been reported in an unbiased way whether it be on a TV or by the newspapers. And perhaps you believe everything the media feeds you.
Faryal’s maternal uncle (Raj Kumar) is very rich. he uses money to force her niece to leave Islam. that’s the reason why she was sent to shelter home where she will be forced into accepting Hinduism, where Muslim converts are forced to leave Islam. Pakistani government is highly influenced by the Indian and western regimes. For this case, they make full use of press and electronic media through money and they are propagating white lies and falsehood. They are full of anti-Islamic lies designed to denigrate Muslims.
I dont know what the heck is being discussed………….A MAN’S WORD IS ALL…………If she is saying so infront of court that she has accepted on her WILL.What’s left then….
i realy ashaimed that a girl beautifull and preety girl came in islam and now she facing the tough time. m sooooooo sad its not islamic rols its the perfict dolarezem and azad khayali………………… shame on all of those who dont cear of our sister…… OUR ALLAH BLESS YOU SIS AND INSHAALLAH ISLAM IS YOUR FINAL RELIGEN UNTIL JUSTES DAY…
she was not pure hindu gril she is aleady muslim her father is muslam man, becuse her mother is Chuto
I feel ashamed of all the hindus comments here who are using muslim names and hiding their real identities and talking rubbish against Islam. If you have guts to speak then dare to use ur real name or religion. Stop pretending to be muslim and talk rubbish about Islam.