Mansoor Ijaz and Hussain Haqqani face to face… (Part Two)
Friday, March 16th, 2012 9:27:29 by Faisal Farooq
During the cross-examination, the U.S. businessman also confessed that he had arranged Kashmiri leader Yaseen Malik’s meeting with the deputy chief of Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).
When asked in what capacity he has done these activities, Ijaz said he did all this as private citizen of the US and bore the expenditure of these meetings.
The counsel while referring the articles written by Ijaz asked, had he wrote that ISI backed Osama; he accepted that he did.
“Pakistan and ISI acted like ‘babysitter’ for Osama Bin Laden,” Ijaz read out a line from his article. Bukhari added that his articles were all against Pakistan nuclear programme and its intelligence agencies.
During the proceedings, Ijaz refused to answer several questions. Bukhari requested the commission to compel Ijaz for answering those.
Mansoor informed the commission that he could understand Urdu 10 per cent and Punjabi 40 per cent, denying the allegations that his financial position was weak.
Bukhari asked him to show his passport saying that he has not visited his country (US) during last 18 months. Justice Isa directed him to bring his passport at the next hearing.
Ijaz complained that Interior Minister Rehman Malik threatened him that he would be arrested with the help of Interpol. “There was plan to include my name in Exit Control List (ECL) under the directions of Parliamentary Committee on National Security,” he held.
Bukhari also asked Ijaz about cases pending against him in the US regarding financial issues. Ijaz admitted the cases, however, he said most of them were near solution.
Ijaz said neither he held any public office in the U.S. nor he was a lobbyist. “I am a private American citizen and whatever I do, is in the interest on my country,” he added.
Meanwhile Bukhari informed the commission that despite sincere efforts, his client could not find his Blackberry cell phone.
Justice Isa directed Haqqani to ask the phone company for sending his bills directly on his (Justice Isa) email address.
The head of the commission also directed Haqqani to submit comprehensive reply in response to Ijaz evidence. “Either you should admit the allegations or deny,” Justice Isa said adding Haqqani has to take a position.
Tags: Hussain Haqqani, Justice Qazi Faiz Isa, London High Commission, Mansoor Ijaz, Memogate, Osama bin Laden, uk, US, Zahid BukhariShort URL: