The Walking Dead motion comic on YouTube is amazing!
Monday, March 26th, 2012 6:57:03 by Musa Afridi
AMC’s TV series’ second season may have come to a close yet there is still plenty of
The Walking Dead content for those who want it.
After watching the season finale of the second season of The Walking Dead,
I could not bear the thought that I had to wait a couple of months for the next season. So I went on to Google and dove deeper into the world of not only the TV series but rather the world that had been brought to life so artfully by Robert Kirkman.
It was during this time that I stumbled upon the Walking Dead motion comic on YouTube. Not knowing what to expect I clicked the link, thinking it would be amateurish attempt by some teenager with an unhealthy obsession with the series and too much spare
time on his hands.
What I found instead was a wonderfully illustrated motion comic that had me hooked from the intro.
The art style stays true to the comic, as does the plot. The way each individual zombie moves and the way the story’s protagonist Rick discovers what kind of a Hell he was woken into are both impressive.
The animation is the motion comic’s greatest strength and that is what really gives the motion comic value. There is a subtle use of 3D as well, though not the type that pops out of the screen, but the zombies and the characters are not flat on the screen
and seem rounded and shaped.
In fact, one can see the depth in an open mouth and the bulge in a skull, which makes one wonder how talented the person, or persons, who put this all together is.
So far I was only able to find two motion comics on YouTube as I was quickly distracted by motion comics for Spider-woman and the X-Men but I will be sure to find out if there are any more based on the Walking Dead.
Because for the first time, I actually felt as if I was watching a book come to life and although I felt like I was cheating, being an avid reader, I enjoyed the new medium.
Tags: AMC, motion comic, Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, YouTube, ZombiesShort URL: