Final Fantasy 13 – Game Review for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3
Friday, April 6th, 2012 7:33:56 by Muhammad Qasim Hassan
Final Fantasy 13 – Game Review for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3
For many fans of Japanese role-playing games, the Final Fantasy series is some of the very best that the genre has to offer. For those of you who have never played a Final Fantasy before, each game is a stand along experience. Although they deal with similar themes, each game has unique story and gameplay mechanics. In other words, do not worry if you have not played the other 12 games beforehand. Final Fantasy 13 is the first one in the franchise for the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360, offering some of the most lavish production values this series has ever seen.
The story involves the dynamics between two very different worlds, the people who inhabit them and the relationship to the mysterious god figures who oversee them all. These complex themes are told through the trials and tribulations of Lightening and her companions and memorable and likable cast. The story itself is very good but it can occasionally be melodramatic, as is frequently the case with Japanese role-playing games. If you are generally a final fantasy fan and like this kind of story-telling, then you will feel right at home, those accustomed to the more conventional western brand role playing games might find the plot a little bit too much.
Tags: best games of 2011, Entertainment, final fantasy 13, latest games, video game reviews, xbox 360Short URL:
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