Politicians always manipulate people for getting personal benefits

Monday, April 16th, 2012 7:01:33 by

Politicians always manipulate people for getting personal benefits

In the formation of government of any country, elections play the basic role as through this procedure general masses select their representatives.

Those representatives who come into power by winning their seats in elections are given the chance and authority by the people to contribute in the development of the country.

Unfortunately in Pakistan, these elected politicians always betray the hopes of people who vote for them.

This trend is in progress and has become so much common that everyone is in a state of disbelief and has the feeling of hate for these corrupt politicians.

Pakistan, which is a developing country, the political parties do nothing but point scoring. Every party blames the working of other party and this blame game continues towards an infinite period of time.

The so-called political parties in Pakistan always keep on point scoring and practically do nothing for people who are going down and down with every passing day. They do not have anyone left to look for the solution of their problems.

These elected people, who have got power with the vote of general masses, have become completely indifferent to the pains of these people. Their only objective is to accumulate as much wealth and power as possible in their ruling period.

After the day of elections, these politicians win their seats and immediately bury their pre-election promises and remain indifferent towards the problems of people.

They keep on this shitty behaviour until the campaign of next elections comes when these corrupt politicians again come to people and again make false promises.

Our innocent people have no other option but to believe in what these corrupt politicians say at the times of elections.

People again believe what these corrupt people say to them and vote them in the elections and these people start doing the same things after being elected.

This never ending practice has become a common phenomenon in the politics of Pakistan. The representatives of political parties always go to people when they feel that elections are ahead.

These corrupt people do not even think that they the power they use is given to them by people.

However, now the time has come when people have to think in a different way if they really want to flush out the dirty politics of the so-called political parties and their corrupt leaders.

People have to make a wise decision in the upcoming elections and they have to vote for the one who is a true leader and has greater level of commitment and love towards Pakistan and its inhabitants.

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Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=19173

Posted by on Apr 16 2012. Filed under Opinion, Pakistan, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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