The story of Irena Sandler – Part 2

Saturday, May 26th, 2012 5:59:36 by

This article is a continuation of ‘The story of Irena Sandler – Part 1’.

Shortly after the premiere of the work, a petite 89-year old woman who for decades lived in a modest apartment in Warsaw where her life was quiet and peaceful, away from the media spotlight, he found to his surprise that local journalists and international
began to contact her, to request interviews, to ask about events that had occurred over 50 years ago in the Ghetto that the Nazi army had been created in the city and ask for the motivation that had led to risk his own life to provide a better future to thousands
of small stranded: it was Irena Sendler.

Born in 1910 in Warsaw, at 7 years of age had to deal with the death of his father, a renowned physician of the time, he contracted typhus while treating several patients with this disease, mostly Jews, that other colleagues had rejected previously. After
his death, the leaders of the Jewish community agreed to pay for his studies in recognition of the work he had done his father and from that moment on, the bonds of friendship and respect between the small Christian and shook his benefactors never to separated.

Years passed and life of Irena passed by the usual channels of the time until September 1939 a dramatic event changed his life and that of the 28 million inhabitants at that time was Poland: the country’s occupation by Nazi and Soviet armies. An invasion
that lasted until 1945 and which killed 6 million Polish citizens, 21.4% of the population.

A humanitarian tragedy of proportions barely imaginable today that struck particularly hard to Jews and Gypsies, many of whom were taken to the extermination camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno Madjanec and where they died in the chambers
gas, victims of torture, poor nutrition, or simply the intense winter cold.

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