Public telephones in Sao Paulo

In the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, a project design telephone booths. The purpose was that they were more visible to the people who used more. The project involved one hundred artists who contributed their designs.
Allama Muhmmad Iqbal Words, without power, is mere philosophy.
Quaid-e-Azam Expect the best, Prepare for the worst...
In the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, a project design telephone booths. The purpose was that they were more visible to the people who used more. The project involved one hundred artists who contributed their designs.
A team of Mexican archaeologists have gained access for the first time, to a tomb of about 1,500 years old that may contain the remains of an early Maya rulers, Kuk Bahlam I, as reported in the Mexican press. The burial chamber was discovered thirteen years ago in Palenque, in the State of Chiapas (southern […]
In the spring of 1921, the Russian Ural region Idel suffered a terrible famine which lasted until 1922 due to a drought, poor economic planning and disruption of agricultural production by farmers fearing that sides in the Russian Civil War that raged at the time they steal the grain. Over the months the situation […]
The process of reducing Suhar heads involved in a first instance, to separate the head from the body and perform a cut in a "V" on the back of the skull. This cut, highly specialized, allowed to remove all facial skin and literally skinning the head. It was important to be fast so that the spirit […]
In battle, the warriors of the tribe took away the enemy’s head and then reduced to the spirit of the latter could not come back and take revenge on the person responsible for his death.But then, for religious purposes, members reduced Suhar head of the wisest of the group in order to keep their knowledge […]
The indigenous people of Suhar is popularly known as the Jivaro and although it is not known how long but until today, the Suhar inhabit an important region of the Amazon. More precisely, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, mainly in Ecuador and Peru. Were designated by the Spanish conquistadors Jíbaros the time of the conquest, however, the real […]
The research team analyzed tissue donated by depressed and nondepressed patients, and sought different patterns of gene activation. The study found that the brains of patients who had been depressed exhibited lower levels of expression of the genes required for the function and structure of brain synapses. Co-author HJ Kang found that at least five of […]
Research shows that the genetic switch, known as a transcription factor, represses the expression of multiple genes required for the formation of synaptic connections between brain cells, which in turn may contribute to cerebral mass loss in the prefrontal cortex . "We wanted to test the idea that stress causes a loss of synapses in […]
Major depression, or chronic stress, can cause loss of brain volume, a condition that contributes to the emotional and cognitive impairment.Now a team of researchers, led by scientists at Yale, has discovered a genetic switch that triggers the loss of brain connections in humans and in animal models of depression. The results have been published […]
There is a phenomenon known as cold spot (English: cold spot) that relates to a particular place where the room temperature drops considerably and is often perceived as a place where there are "paranormal activity". While there is no scientific study to analyze this fact, it is usually just a cold draft, faulty construction and […]
The issue of sound, as this can affect humans and how this has been discovered is much more real and more terrifying to believe in a ghost. In 1950 Gavreau Vladimir (Vladimir Gavronsky), a Russian scientist naturalized as French, conducted several experiments concerning the effects of infrasound. By controlling the vibration of pipelines in the lab […]
In film and television we see it all the time. The "ghost hunting" come to the haunted house or the place where it is believed that there is a spirit, draw their devices to capture "paranormal activity" and analyze electric or magnetic fields for evidence of the presence of a ghost. The truth is that […]