Parliament is a supreme institution: PM Raja Pervez Ashraf
Thursday, July 5th, 2012 10:31:01 by Faisal Farooq
Terming parliament as mother of all institutions, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has said the country’s solidarity and destiny lies in accepting of its sanctity and supremacy unreservedly.
Addressing Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) parliamentarians from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA), the premier urged all the institutions to work within their defined spheres.
Ashraf observed, “Each state institution has its own limits which should be respected and honored. The parliament has set jurisdictions of all institutions through legislation”.
The newly prime minister has made it clear that the government had no confrontation with any state institution including judiciary which enjoys its awes and respect at all levels.
In his view, the parliament is a forum which gives representation to 180 million people and its respect was mandatory on all state institutions as it has the power to legislate and amend the Constitution of the country.
He noted, “The PPP strongly believes in true essence of democracy as it is the only system in which all stakeholders get chance in decision making. Our leaders including Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed and his daughter Benazir Bhutto Shaheed had laid down their lives for democracy and rights of people”.
He expressed proud to be a worker of the PPP that made him the chief executive of the country with a two-third majority. The premier continued that the ruling party had a long history of unparalleled sacrifices, saying that it was the party which steered the country of difficult challenges every time.
They will continue to serve the nation with more dedication and commitment in the future as well, he added.
Counting major achievements of the PPP, the prime minister said the PPP did accomplish many milestones including restoration of 1973 Constitution through passage of 18th amendment, NFC award, giving identity to Pakhtoons, rehabilitation of over 2.5 million Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) of Malakand Division and granting provincial autonomy to federating units.
He informed the participants that he was aware of the fact that biggest challenge of the present government was energy crisis, adding that the present government added around 3400 MW electricity to the system.
Tags: Benazir Bhutto, FATA, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, NFC, Pakistan Peoples’ Party, ppp, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, Zulfikar Ali BhuttoShort URL:
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