Man dives from 18 miles and survives
Saturday, July 28th, 2012 3:07:26 by Ahmad Mehdi
Man dives from 18 miles and survives
On Wednesday, Baumgartner took another stratospheric leap, this time from an altitude of more than 18 miles (28.96km) — an estimated 96,640 feet, nearly three times higher than cruising jetliners. He landed safely near Roswell, New Mexico. His top speed
was an estimated 536 mph, said Brian Utley, an official observer on site.

feet, or 23 miles, in another month. He hopes to go supersonic then, breaking the speed of sound with just his body. "It has always been a dream of mine," Baumgartner said after Wednesday’s feat. "Only one more step to go."
Longtime record-holder Joe Kittinger jumped from 102,800 feet — 19.5 miles — in 1960 for the air force. Kittinger monitored Wednesday’s dry run from a mini Mission Control in Roswell.
As he did in March, the 43-year-old Austrian ascended alone in an enclosed capsule lifted by a giant helium balloon that took off from Roswell . He wore a full-pressure suit equipped with parachutes and an oxygen supply — there’s virtually no atmosphere
that far up.
It took about 1½ hours to reach his target altitude. He was in free fall for an estimated three minutes and 48 seconds before opening his parachutes . "It felt completely different at 90,000 feet," Baumgartner noted. "There is no control when you exit the
capsule. There is no way to get stable."
In March, Baumgartner jumped from 71,581 feet saluting before stepping from the capsule. Bad weather earlier this week delayed the second test jump until Wednesday.
Nasa is paying close attention to the project dubbed Stratos, short for stratosphere . The space agency wants to learn all it can about potential escape systems for future rocketships.
Baumgartner, a former military parachutist and extreme athlete, has jumped more than 2,500 times from planes and helicopters, skyscrapers and landmarks, including the 101-story Taipei 101 in Taiwan.
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