FIFA 13 does not provide compatibility between PS3 and PSVita
Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 5:55:37 by Ahmad Mehdi
Versions designed for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita of FIFA 13 will not be able to crossover on the different platforms. So that the items recorded in a version may not be used in the other.
This was confirmed in David Rutter Gamescom , which stated that "we have no crossovers inthe game. It’s something that, when you look at the priorities of what is going to do, prefer to work on passing, shooting, attacking intelligence, etc.. Y prefer to
make a brilliant game for all rather than something that will only appeal to a specific number of people. "
On the other hand, Rutter confirmed that the game compatibility with the peripheral Move was included at the request of Sony itself. " We have a great relationship with Sony and asked us to think of a way to use [Move], so we told you so, " he said.
Tags: automobiles, fifa, fifa 13, ps3, Sharmila Tigore, sonyShort URL: