The first man on the moon dies

Thursday, August 30th, 2012 12:27:57 by

U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong , the first man on the moon, has died at age 82 from complications after heart surgery, as reported by relatives and fellow U.S. network NBC.
Armstrong died at 20.42 pm, Spanish time, during his period of convalescence after coronary pass circuit operation to which was submitted on 8 August.
The astronaut set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, as commander of the mission ‘Apollo 11 , in a historic moment described by Armstrong himself with a phrase to match: “One small step for man, one giant leap
for mankind ” . At that time, her heart beating at 150 beats per minute.
“Special and memorable””It was special and memorable, but also very brief, because I had work to do,” Armstrong said recently. Armstrong and his partner, Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin, spent the next three hours after landing walk across the surface of the moon,
experimenting and taking photographs.”The views were simply majestic, beyond any visual experience you’ve had”, according to statements made ??in his day by the Washington Post.
Born in Ohio on August 5, 1930, Armstrong began in the same state for NASA career in 1955, where he worked for 17 years as an engineer, test pilot and administrative, before moving to integrate its 62 astronauts template.Armstrong was assigned to the command of the mission ‘Gemini 8’ and first visited the area in March 1966, when he became the first man to successfully dock two spacecraft. After his historic moon mission,

Armstrong was appointed deputy administrator at NASA headquarters in Washington DC. He also served as professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979.

The astronaut has been awarded in 17 countries and is the recipient of major honors awarded in the U.S., including the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest honor a civilian can receive in the United States – the Medal Space Honor U.S.
Congress and the Congressional Gold Medal. Armstrong survived by his wife, Carol Knight, and two sons from a previous marriage.

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