I have many reservations on Blasphemy Law: Tahir-ul-Qadri
Friday, September 7th, 2012 4:34:35 by Faisal Farooq
Tahir-ul-Qadri, the renowned Islamic scholar, has said that he had many reservations on all administrative and procedural points of blasphemy law, adding that it needs a lot of reforms and amendments.
During an interview with a Danish TV channel, Tahir-ul-Qadri said that he had difference of opinion with the blasphemy law in its existing forms.
He said, “I have many reservations. I have difference of opinion and this law needs lot of reforms and changes. I do not support this law as it is being practiced in Pakistan”.
He announced that he would be the first person to fight for her right and save her life if any injustice was done to Rimsha Masih, the Christian girl accused of blasphemy charges.
The religious scholar said that the girl, according to the reports, is a minor and suffering from Down’s Syndrome.
He hoped that the court while considering the ground situation wouldn’t go for punishment against the minor.
Commenting about capital punishment in the blasphemy law, he said it is not only for the Prophet (PBUH) but all other prophets including Jesus Christ, Moses and same is for Bible, Torah and Quran.
Up till now, there was not a single person including Muslims and Non-Muslims who was charged and sentenced to capital punishment in the last 27 years. Although cases have been registered, the courts and judges are quite sensible.
Replying to a query Qadri said, the government sometimes take such people into protective custody in order to save them from extremist, terrorist and radical attacks.
Criticizing the legal system of the country, he said that judicial procedures, particularly civil laws, take sometimes 25 years. He said that there is delayed justice not only in blasphemy cases but also in murders and other cases.
In replying to a query he said neither he was consultant to General Ziaul Haq nor he was part of his cabinet. He rejected the impression categorically he was taken on board before passage of blasphemy law in the past.
Stressing the need of issuing ordain (fatwa) against terrorists in the name of religion, he said that they are militants who are continuously exploiting and radicalizing the Muslim youth.
While hijacking the term of jihad, such people brainwash youngsters and they prepared them to commit suicidal attacks.
Tahir-ul-Qadri stated, “Killing a single person, even he is Muslim or non-Muslim, who is non-combatant, is equal killing the whole mankind”.
He said he wanted to save the Muslim youngsters and wanted to create a tolerant society in the country.
Tags: Blasphemy law, Christians, Danish TV, General Ziaul Haq, Muslim, Pakistan, Rimsha Masih, Tahir-ul-Qadri, TerroristsShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=32303
Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri’s confussing message about Pakistani blasphemy law.
See his message:
It is very good link. Must see this.
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Tahir is an opportunist, he is an anti-Islam western puppet. He can do monkey-tricks if needed to enjoy his lavish life paid for by western tax payers. He already gave fatwa in favor of dealing in interest, removing hijab….and now he is lying about his “claimed role” (video evidence proof him wrong) in making the blasphemy law in Pakistan. He knows he cannot change the way Muslims thinks about Islam because it’s the books(Quran and Sunnah) which defines its laws, not some mullah like Tahir, but he is screwing dumb westerners(govt and public) by conning them into thinking that they can use him to deviate Muslims from Islam. Both are loosers.