Mayer criticizes the Yahoo-Microsoft deal
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 11:12:48 by Farasat Ali
Marissa Mayer wasted no time to break the taboo of their agreement to rent the company’s search engine to Microsoft. In addition to paying, they lose market their respective share to Google.
Yahoo signed a 10 year long agreement with Microsoft in 2010, hoping that the collaboration will cause trouble to the other technology giant, Google, reducing their share in the market.
However, Yahoo’s chief executive admitted that the deal is bearing less fruit than expected and said that the company’s search deal with Microsoft has not given them any market gain or revenue boost.
"One of the points of the alliance is that we collectively want to grow share rather than just trading share with each other,"
"I’m not confused. Our biggest business problem right now is impressions. Basically can we grow impressions, can we get growth happening here," the CEO of the company was quoted as saying at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet
Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday.
"We need to see monetization working better because we know that it can and we’ve seen other competitors in the space illustrate how well it can work," Mayer went on.
During her first appearance before investors since July, Mayer said that the company planned to launch an extensive line of mobile applications and revealed that they want Internet users to spend more time on Yahoo services.
Indeed, Yahoo is a world leader in financial portal in the photo site Flickr and the gaming community, and its e-mail service is almost as popular as Google in the United States. But they are still struggling to get more advertising
revenue, which remained flat since 2010.
"I do not want to entail using deception. Our biggest problem right now business is advertising impressions. Basically, our business growth is to improve there," said Mayer.
Tags: First Superstar, google, microsoft, YahooShort URL: