EU Fines Microsoft $561 Million
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 7:09:01 by Farasat Ali
Joaquin Almunia, European Commissioner for Competition, has announced a penalty of 561 million Euros to Microsoft by skipping the engagement with the authorities on the choice of browsers
on your operating system.
The fine has an exemplary character because Microsoft is the first company to break an agreement with European authorities, even for a technical failure as Microsoft argued in his rebuttal.
Following the closure of this case, the Commissioner of Competition, which is still open for almost two years is against Google, a case much more serious because he is accused of impeding the development
of competition and, specifically, to hinder advertising campaigns for clients that advertise with AdWords.
On the opposite side, including specialized searches content from other sites, without having received the permission. Sites like TripAdvisor, that base their business on the comments
that people make of the sites they visit, they saw how Google took advantage of their contents.
The lobby have also requested Google to punish these practices. A few months ago, the search offered a deal to the EC but neither
Almunia nor Google’s lawyers have explained the reasons behind it.
In any case, Fairsearch and other litigants have to be heard before the Commissioner of Competition rule, but not until after the summer.
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