Unemployed Masters Degree Holders to Get Allowance in KPK
Friday, April 18th, 2014 8:25:01 by Ahmad Mehdi
It was recently reported from Peshawar that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has given out a verdict regarding the students who have completed their Masters degree. It is being said that once they have managed to achieve this milestone in their lives and yet they are unemployed, then the government will take a stand in order to give them allowance.
At first this was only being done for PhD graduates. They were given an allowance by the government in case they are unemployed. However, now the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has taken a stand for the unemployed personnel in the region. The provincial government has decided that people with a Masters Degree, which means that in case they have finished MA, MBA or MSc, and yet they are still unemployed, then the government is going to pay them on a monthly basis.
This monthly stipend is going to be PKR2000 for every student who is unemployed.
Currently KPK falls under Pakistan Tehreek E Insaaf as they are the stronger party in the region. That is why they have been coming out with several new laws. Imran Khan recently revealed several such laws; the most ground breaking being the law for the right of information, where anyone can ask the ministry for their personal information and the ministry is bound to tell them everything.
Tags: allowance, KPK, MastersShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=43053
How can I apply for this