Pakistan Eyes $40billion Investment from China
Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 12:22:42 by Ahmad Mehdi
It has been proposed by Beijing that they are willing to make an investment worth $40 billion as they are trying to penetrate through the Pakistani market. Pakistan is currently the first priority target market for China because they can see a lot of potential in it. Moreover, the biggest deep sea port in the country offers China an incentive as they will be able to connect with many countries through the seas.
Pakistan currently requires capital for economic growth and China has descended from heavens to help Pakistan grow. If China can enter Pakistan and is allowed to make this investment, the country will definitely receive a huge economic boost; something which they have been wanting for quite some time.
While talking about the investment and how the Pakistani government is going about things, the spokesman said, We are working with the provinces on simplification of their laws regarding businesses establishment, as the government wants to encourage business and creation of jobs.”
The only thing making things difficult are probably the tariffs and laws that currently exist in the Pakistani system. Regarding those laws, the special assistant of the Prime Minister said, “We will try to simplify them as much as possible to facilitate investors and save their time.”
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