Large-scale theft of oil in Pakistan State Oil uncovered
Saturday, July 12th, 2014 9:42:59 by Nadeem Bajwa
Public Accounts Committee have met in Islamabad to discuss the audit reports of the Pakistan State Oil on July 11, 2014. The committee expressed resentment on the discovery of large-scale oil. Committee asked to implement tracking and monitoring system for the movement of oil tankers. Committee also recommended strict action against culprits.
Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chaired by Rana Afzal held a meeting in Parliament House, to review the audit objections regarding the Ministry of Petroleum subsidiaries. Audit officials told the committee that 10,000 liters of oil was gone missing during deliver from the Jagut Oil Depot. The PSO official said that tracking system is being introduced at the Jagut depot. The committee asked to reform the entire monitoring system.
Audit authorities discovered that millions of rupees worth oil is stolen. PAC chairman Rana Afzal said that he knew that oil is stolen when it is being transported and there are a number of locations where stolen oil is sold at cheap prices. Committee asked the Petroleum Ministry officials to take appropriate action against the persons responsible for the monitoring of the transportation of oil.
Tags: Oil theft, Pakistan State Oil PSO, Public Accounts CommitteeShort URL: