Trump: Pakistani, Saudi Arabian People Are A Threat To America
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 5:55:17 by modousarr
On Monday, Republican Donald Trump ascribed responsibility for a mass shooting in Florida purely on radical Muslims, who he claimed were entering the country through a flock of refugees and “trying to take over our children.”
He mentioned the fact that the Florida gunman’s parents were born in Afghanistan. Highlighting major incidents in US history such as Sep 11, 2001 attacks, Trump argued that threats mostly came from those with roots in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.
“When I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats,” Trump said.
The Republican candidate with the likelihood of becoming a presidential nominee used the mass shooting incident on Sunday to further enforce his promise to ban Muslim immigrants, suggesting that the country should suspend immigration from parts of the globe with “a proven history of terrorism.”
He further promised that should he be elected president, he will make use of the executive authority bestowed on him to enact stronger limitations on immigration in order to safeguard Americans from attacks such as Sunday’s. This promise is quite different from the one he made earlier on his campaign to temporarily ban the entry of foreign Muslims in order to boost up national security.
Trump voiced his belief, in a national security speech, that it was about time to “tell the truth about radical Islam,” following the death of over 50 people in a gay nightclub shootout, with a gunman who had sworn loyalty to the militant Islamic State (IS) group.
Trump, in a speech given in New Hampshire, said: “If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans ? women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people ? then we need to tell the truth about radical Islam and we need to do it now.”
Hilary Clinton’s comments were rather different from that of her opponent’s, whom she is likely to face in the November 8 election as a Democratic candidate. She begged for an increase in the gathering of more information and for more airstrikes on IS territory, urging for the “demonizing” of American Muslims to be avoided.
Trump did not withdraw from throwing punches at Clinton’s policies, claiming that such would permit “hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East” to gain entry into the United States without implementing proper security measures.
He stated that there would be “no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of… their children,” also, “Not only their children, by the way. They’re trying to take over our children and convince them how wonderful ISIS is and how wonderful Islam is, and we don’t know what’s happening.”
According to him, the immigration ban would remain until “we are in a position to properly screen these people coming into our country. They’re pouring in, and we don’t know what we’re doing.”
The Republican candidate’s proposals have earned him much popularity especially among conservative voters. However, it has also increased condemnation from minority and human rights activists, not to mention his political opponents, most of whom have described his stance as ‘racist’.
Trump denounced the criticism, claiming that he has been commonly misunderstood by the media and his opponents.
On the other hand, Clinton encouraged the avoidance of discriminating against Muslim Americans and demanded better efforts be made to remove IS propaganda from the Internet and for increased air strikes in areas under siege by the group, including better alliances with allies in the region.
“The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very strong, and we must attack it,” she said in a speech in Cleveland.
She went on to condemn three allies of the United States- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar- for permitting its citizens to support and build mosques and schools that train jihadists.
She called for stricter gun control laws, averring previous demands to ban people on terrorism watch lists from buying firearms. She highlighted the fact that the gunman, Mateen was able to purchase a gun legally although the Federal Bureau of Investigation were aware of him as a possible threat.
Clinton receiving a standing ovation for her speech in California said, “It’s important that we stop the terrorists from getting the tools they need to carry out the attacks, and that is especially true when it comes to assault weapons like those used in Orlando and San Bernardino.”
Trump opposed Clinton’s policies which seemed to favor Syrian civil war refugees, saying that his policies would ensure American women, gays and lesbians, Jews and Christians were protected. His support from women and gay voters cannot be compared to that of Clinton as it falls far behind.
“Radical Islam is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American,” said Trump.
Accusing Clinton of having ties with Saudi Arabia, he said in a Facebook post, “Saudi Arabia and many of the countries that gave vast amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation want women as slaves and to kill gays… Hillary must return all money from such countries!”
Tags: donald trump, Gay nighclub shooting, Hilary Clinton, Muslims, Omar Mateen, Orlando shooting, Republican CandidateShort URL: