The United States drone has struck once again for the fourth time during this year killing 7 suspected militants and injuring three in Madakhel village of Dattakhel tehsil. The target this time were a vehicle and a house in North Waziristan tribal region where Pakistan army is also engaged in an operation against Taliban militants. […]

The horror of drone attacks is now going to strike back to the Pakistani nation after it was reported that two drones targeted areas in North Waziristan. This has happened in the light of the events which have taken place in Karachi recently. The Karachi airport was under attack as the terrorists penetrated through […]

It was recently reported from Geneva that the number of US drone strikes have reduced in Pakistan over the years and they have increased in the neighbouring country, Afghanistan. US claimed that the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is a hub for the terrorist organization, Tehreek E Taliban, who they believe were the masterminds behind […]

Evacuation of Shamsi air base not to hamper CIA drone strikes US drone raids targeting militants in Pakistan will not be jeopardized if Islamabad does indeed expel Americans from a key air base, officials and a former intelligence officer said. Angered over a NATO air attack on Saturday that left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead, Islamabad […]

Capturing the Punjabi imagination: drones and “the noble savage” Pakistani novelist Mohsin Hamid may have captured something rather interesting in his short story published this month by The Guardian. And it is not as obvious as it looks. In “Terminator: Attack of the Drone”, Hamid imagines life in Pakistan’s tribal areas bordering Afghanistan under constant attack […]

USA to use suicide drones in future conflicts A miniature “kamikaze” drone designed to quietly hover in the sky before dive-bombing and slamming into a human target will soon be part of the United States army’s arsenal, officials say. Dubbed the “Switchblade,” the robotic aircraft represents the latest attempt by the US to refine how […]
Oct 20 2011 | Posted in
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