To save up for the Xbox 720 or PS4, or enjoy the 360 and PS3?

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 5:37:04 by

The next generation of video game consoles are just around the corner, but should consumers be looking to get them right away or hang on to the current generation for a while longer?

When the original PlayStation was announced it sold rather well as did its successor, the PlayStation 2. However, the PlayStation 3 did not get off to the flying start its predecessors did and that was largely due to the fact that the Xbox 36-0 and the Nintendo
Wii had already been in the market for over a year.

The Nintendo Wii sold like hotcakes, while Microsoft had trouble keeping up with demand for their console, though that was down more to the fact the 360 was a rather faulty piece of hardware than anything else. As for the PlayStation 3, well its excuse could
be the fact that it did not have as many games available as compared to the other consoles.

This conveniently brings us to every gamer’s situation at this point in time. Should they be getting ready for the next generation? The answer quite simply, is no.

As with any new release when it comes to video game consoles, the consumer should give the market and the platform time to mature and sort out its problems.

A large number of consumers who purchased the 360 suffered from the Red Ring of Death which rendered their console useless. Microsoft spent years coming up with a solution for that and Sony, well again, they did not have enough games and users had very limited
choice on what they could do with the PS3.

One can expect more of the same come the release of the next generation consoles, with the market needing time to adjust and developers needing time to get their products out.

In the meantime the current generation of consoles has plenty left to offer with news surrounding titles such as God Of War 4, a new Halo trilogy and Naughty Dog’s triple-A title, the Last of Us, all set for release in the near future.

The best thing to do would be to give the next generation a year in the market before trading in the old for the new.

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