Reddit behind protests against SOPA, PIPA and CISPA, Ohanian the main character – Part 2
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 6:09:53 by Usman Khalid
Reddit offered a blackout of the website in Los Angeles and DC, but other users of the website had the same solution for other regions of the world. The result was a complete blackout of the site on January 18. Wikipedia and Mozilla followed quickly and brought their services offline to encourage the protest. Google also supported the movement by including a link to the protest on the home page of their search engine,
The same followed in the case of Protect IP Act. Reddit took the front row and Ohanian represented the website. Now, Congress is again messing with the internet and billions of users it serves with a new act called Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act (CISPA).
Ohanian had lunch with Congressman Darrell Issa last month to discuss the bill. It is apparent that the former Reddit CEO will not be willing to support such a law that will bluntly share private information with government agencies like Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
It was obvious from Ohanian’s actions and responses he received on the website. When he asked what to say to the congressman, he was showered with responses like, “ask him how much he was bribed to support this bill” and “drive an axe into his face.”
“Reddit can’t have lunch with a politician or do an interview on CNN. So I do my best to represent them,” Ohanian says at his residence at Brooklyn Heights. “But I’m not the leader of this movement. It’s led by anyone, by everyone.”
Ohanian sold Reddit in 2006 for an eight-figure amount. He now invests in start-ups and runs his own online shopping website called Breadpig. It is a non-profit organization that donates all its profits to the community welfare causes.
Tags: alexis, cispa, Congress, ohanian, pipa, ressit, sopa, USShort URL: