Video content on the internet: Which is the viable option? – Part 3
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 2:22:40 by Usman KhalidSo far as we know, TV and movie studios set the prices on their content, so most Apple and Amazon pricing should be identical. But Amazon seems to offer lower prices on many titles, presumably eating the difference as an inducement to get more business. Amazon also only offers movies in HD, so there’s a one-size-fits-all price for rentals or sales. Rentals range from 99 cents to $3.99, and movie purchases tend to range from $9.99 to $14.99, but you’ll occasionally see discounts down to as low as $4.99. Most TV episodes cost the same as they do on iTunes. There’s also, of course, Amazon Prime, a Netflix-like subscription that offers up a package of free streaming movie and TV content for customers of Amazon’s $79-a-year Prime service (which also entitles you to two-day delivery of goods with free shipping). The amount of “free” Prime content isn’t as large as what you’ll find on Netflix, but there’s more content than you think. And while most of the Prime content is a subset of Netflix’s offering, Amazon has ramped up some exclusives, including many Paramount movies and (for the next few weeks, at least) shows like “Fringe” and “The West Wing.”
Apple’s iTunes only works on Apple devices, or on PCs running iTunes. That’s no surprise. You’d need an Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Mac to watch what you’ve purchased. On iOS devices, you’ll need to download your purchase or rental before watching — streaming is not an option.
Tags: Amazon, apple tv, ios, ipad, itunesShort URL: