Medium of instruction… Urdu or English
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 8:15:59 by Faisal Farooq
The latest stance of the Punjab government on the medium of instruction is an instance of yet another ill-planned attempt to bring about broad based reforms in the education sector.
Without considering that such reforms need proper strategies, they started working abruptly.
There is no doubt that only trained and distinctive educationists can make strategies that can be presented in stages.
To say the least, sudden and drastic changes can be disastrous both for the students as well as system.
The debate for the medium of instruction exists in the country since its inception and it is here to stay for an indefinite period.
Out mother tongue has a dark shadow of our colonial system and the multi-ethnic society that Pakistan is made up of has further fuelled the issue.
A little importance is being given to Urdu as a mother tongue, official language or the native language of the country. It is merely linked with one ethnic society that further deteriorates the situation.
In my view, all other local languages have been ignored and marginalized by the authorities concerned in the wake of an ever growing need of English in all walks of life.
The other countries in the region including China, Saudi Arabia, Japan and other Southeast Asian states have kept their citizens free from torment of learning the second language for their basic education.
They are in the way to develop curriculum in their own languages. Even they understand English, their leaders keep translators when they go on foreign visits and meet with international dignitaries.
And above all, they take pride in speaking their national language, which we should acquire from other less gifted countries.
Hence, our education system needs a balanced structure. The students should be allowed to have choice in examinations regarding which language they want to take their test in, at least to a certain level.
A genuine change requires a serious and sincere effort that we desperately need to call upon in our political leaders to let the country survive on the map of the world.
Tags: China, English, japan, Medium of Instruction, Saudi Arabia, Southeast Asian States, United Kingdom, United States of America, UrduShort URL: