President Asif Ali Zardari terms Malala Yousafzai symbol of progressive Pakistan
Monday, December 10th, 2012 4:02:37 by Web Desk
Announcing the formation of the Malala fund for girl’s education throughout the world and Pakistan, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said Malala Yousafzai was the symbol of a progressive Pakistan.
He noted, “We are facing two forces in the country, Malala represents the forces of peace and we are fighting with the forces of darkness, hatred and violence.” He also said that slain PPP leader and his wife Benazir Bhutto was killed while fighting against the forces of evil and darkness.
“Islam gives us the lesson of peace,” Zardari said adding that the first word of Quran was ‘IQRA’ which means read. The president attended the ‘Stand up for Malala – Stand up for girl’s right to education’ conference held in Paris, France.
President Zardari while addressing the conference said the young peace activist was attacked by the forces of darkness. “I have no doubt that our resolve to provide education to all is the best strategy to defeat the forces of violence”, he added.
The president further stated that there was a need for long term political reforms which were the key to education. Organized jointly by Pakistan and UNESCO, the conference, coinciding with International Human Rights Day is being held to pay tribute to Malala Yousafzai, the girl who was shot in the head by Taliban.
President Asif Ali Zardari also stated that Pakistan was not only working for the promotion of girls’ education but is also raising voice at the international level in this regard. He said the government is committed to root out terrorism which is also main hurdle in the way of girls education in Pakistan.
Paying tributes to Malala Yousafzai for her services for girls’ education‚ he called upon the international community to make joint efforts in this regard.
Tags: France, International Human Rights Day, Malala Fund, Malala Yousafzai, Paris, ppp, President Asif Ali Zardari, Standup for Malala, Taliban, UNESCO, United NationsShort URL:
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