Posts tagged as: appleization

Apple rules the corporate world and it happened in a chain reaction – Part 1

Apple has always come forward with the best products in the world. The main and intriguing aspect of its devices is the ease-of-use and interactive interface. However, that is not the only part. The security in the Unix-based operating systems, Mac OS X and iOS, is phenomenal. Therefore, the consumer targeted Apple products have gained […]

Apple rules the corporate world and it happened in a chain reaction – Part 2

Part of the overall BYOD dilemma isn’t necessarily the ever popular security issues surrounding BYOD but rather the problem of how to manage an array of devices that you could encounter. As much as I’d like to believe that Apple devices are the only ones that individuals will buy for themselves, I know that’s not […]

Apple rules the corporate world and it happened in a chain reaction – Part 3

“User management is key to a successful BYOD implementation,” said GroupLogic’s Anders Lofgren, “You have to manage the user in the same way that you do for other network resources.” Lofgren’s words were true food for thought. If you manage the user, you’re doing exactly what you’ve been doing for years. User management, and by […]


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