Google Vice President Marissa Mayer likes … APPLE Products! – Part 2
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 1:29:02 by Usman Khalid
Wow, now this is sportsman spirit or…sportwoman…spirit. This truly shows she is a Standford graduate, doesn’t it. Did I mention she has two degrees from Stanford?
This might showcase good sportsman spirit in Mayer but Suits at The Street might not take it as ‘+1′ point. She seems to like products of Google’s sworn archenemy that has dragged Google to courts more than I have brushed my teeth.
Google is turning every corner or stone–whichever comes first–to catchup with Apple’s extremely advanced mindset, that often befalls on the stage with an entirely new product.
Google is having stomach-aches because of one of Steve Jobs’ comment in his biography, authored by Walter Isaacson. The Apple co-founder hinted the rise of a new Apple television. Google has its Google TV in its early stages and this pre-announcement announcement probably, definitely, is giving iHeadaches to the Search Engine.
Tags: android, Apple, google, ios, Rehman Baba, Shoaib Malik, silicon valleyShort URL: