Why the new Google Nexus 7 is out of stock? No brainer, it is the best – Part 2
Monday, July 23rd, 2012 3:23:10 by Usman Khalid
Another reason, and perhaps the major reason is the device’s features. It has a Tegra 3 quad-core processor with 2 GB of RAM and a 16-core GPU, that even jumps farther than the new iPad. It is also a thinner device, especially thinner than Amazon’s Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble’s Nook Tablet that fall in the same price bracket. $199 for a 7-incher is a steal.
After a weeks of its use, Robert Hof, contributor at Forbes, was of following opinion.
“– It looks and feels, to use the technical term, slick. The fact is, Apple’s products have a look and feel that few can match, and even the Nexus 7 doesn’t quite get there. But it’s pretty damn close. It feels substantial, while substantially lighter, of course, than the iPad. The swiping is very smooth as well.
— The 7-inch size is appealing and convenient. It’s easy to hold it in one hand, while swiping with the other. It also fits in a pants or shorts pocket (or purse, I’m guessing) surprisingly well for temporary transport. So I end up taking it more places than my larger tablet.
— The screen is no Retina like the latest iPad, but it still looks sharp and bright.
— It may not have all the apps, or some of the latest and greatest, that Apple has, but it’s got plenty. And some very nice ones, too, such as Flipboard and my current favorite, The Night Sky.
— Almost forgot–it’s cheap! For $199, it’s less than half the current $399 minimum for an iPad. That makes the Nexus 7 close to an impulse item, or at least a gift that won’t break the bank.”
However, there are some drawbacks that Google should work out and release updates in follow ups. The home screen, for example, is a hive of apps in a haphazard manner. Google Play is at the bottom of the toolbar and has an icon that is a shopping bag and an arrow that points down. The real problem is that not many people know what Google Play is except those who read and cover such things.
Tags: 7, Amazon, android, Apple, google, jelly bean, nexusShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=29455